
Skills and Behaviours of Sundar Pichai as a Global Leader


Added on  2022-12-29

14 Pages4543 Words3 Views
Personal Effectiveness
Skills and Behaviours of Sundar Pichai as a Global Leader_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Outline skills and behaviours that made Sundar Pichai an personally effective global leader...1
Discuss the positive elements of Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours as well as their impacts
Discuss the negative elements of Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours as well as their
Discuss how you intend to apply personal effectiveness principles to your own development
in order to be
successful in the competitive job market...................................................................................5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Skills and Behaviours of Sundar Pichai as a Global Leader_2

Personal effectiveness refers to the utilization of skills, capabilities and ability to achieve
set of goals and objectives of individuals life. It helps individuals to understand about their
personal skills and ability so that they can achieve all the goals in their life. It also help in
analysing such skills that they lack and need to develop in order to achieve set targets of life.
Sunder Pcihai is one of the best example of the individual who used his personal effectiveness to
achieve all the gaols and aim of his life. He is the CEO and chief executive officer Alphabet and
its subsidiary Google. The full name of Sunder Pcihai is Pcihai Sunderarajan, he was born in
July 12, 1972. and he is also an Indian and American business person. This report includes
theories and framework relating to personal effectiveness, also critical evaluation of skills and
behaviour that Sunder Pcihai used to make him effective global leader(Bhardwaj, and Agrawal,
2020). It also include all the positive elements of Sunder Pcihai's skills and behaviours an its
impact. Further, it also include personal reflection on how an individual can gain competitive
advantages from the skills and abilities that help in the future growth and development personal
Outline skills and behaviours that made Sundar Pichai an personally effective global leader
Sundar Pichai is a leading CEO of Goggle and Alphabet who customer base are larger
than any country population. He was born on 1972, July. Sundar Pichai can gain success in their
life because of never giving up attitude (Sundar Pichai Life Story: A Man Bringing
Revolutionary Changes, 2020). He get the success because of their several skills and behaviours
that helps in becoming a global leader that can be presented below:
To outline the skills and behaviour of Sundar Pichai this includes the transformational
leadership theory where he plays a role of Affiliation leader.
Transformational leadership theory defines as that in which leaders are working with
their team members as per the changes occur within business environment. In this leaders can
encourage their team mates so that positive and productive work is to be reflected. As he is a
very modest and poise man that never included in the political controversy. He has the power of
influencing their employees towards accept the changes as per needs of business environment
Skills and Behaviours of Sundar Pichai as a Global Leader_3

requirements that helps in gaining higher success in the company. In this Sundar Pichai can
developed the collaborative relationship in their working area between the team members.
This reflects that ' A leader cannot focus only on the success of the company but also focus on
success of other members'. This theory includes four factors on the basis of skills and behaviour
of a Goggle and Alphabet CEO can be elaborated which helps in gaining higher success in
professional career.
Idealized influence- In this factor Sundar Pichai can influence their team mates and
developed trust that helps in taking decision effectively for organisation. In this Pichai,
collaboration skill is to be reflected that helps in removing conflicts and emphasise on
corporation. In this Mr. Pichai can highly focus on collaboration rather than political fight
and to prove this Pichai willingly give up on some territory for maintaining harmony with
other managers and leaders that helps in developing their respect within global market. In
this he inspired and share vision with their team mates so that they feel satisfied and
effective to work effectively (Chughtai, Seale, and Macintyre, 2020).
Individualised consideration- In this factor Mr. Pichai can play the role of coach and
advisor to the his subordinates. It reflect the behaviour of Pichai that helps his
subordinate by being supportive leader in the company. He become effective team leader
by having this personality trait, that improve his professional relationship with team
members. Mr. Pichai has become inspiration for all the business person who are
struggling in their business. In this he provide better insight about his behaviour that
helped his team members to become loyal employee of Google.
Inspirational Motivation: Sunder Pcihai become an inspiration for other individuals
who want successful business and grow in their life. He has skill of being an effective
leader in his company, that helped him in making his team member more motivate and
encourage. This skill improve the over all performance of business in the market. The
main motive of his life to make other believe in themselves so that they can increase
growth of organisation.
Intellectual Stimulation: Sunder Pcihai is an visionary personality and believes that
innovation and creativity is important part of business so that it can grow higher than
other competitor. This personality trait of Sunder Pcihai (Clair, and Girard, 2020)
helped him to think about innovative ideas and creativity. He is known for become
Skills and Behaviours of Sundar Pichai as a Global Leader_4

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