
Personal Effectiveness: Skills, Behaviour, and Theories


Added on  2022-12-15

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Personal Effectiveness
Personal Effectiveness: Skills, Behaviour, and Theories_1

CASE STUDY REVIEW................................................................................................................3
Skills and Behaviour of Sundar Pichai........................................................................................3
Positive elements of Mr. Pichai’s behaviour...............................................................................5
Negative elements of Mr. Pichai’s behaviour..............................................................................6
Theories on Personal effectiveness..............................................................................................6
REFLECTIVE STATEMENT.........................................................................................................8
Development needs for personal efficiency................................................................................8
Strategies to adopt personal development needs.........................................................................8
Impact of personal development..................................................................................................9
Books and Journals....................................................................................................................13
Personal Effectiveness: Skills, Behaviour, and Theories_2

Personal effectiveness is about the behaviours or better results whether working at home
or organization. The person who belongs to have the high level of skills, talents, energy and time
management for achieving the goals or objective that have been set for their future. The
effectiveness of leadership that could help for keeping their employee for working while by
having the motivation and better communication (Tyas, 2020). The leadership keep their
employee motivated so that they can easily complete their work while by having the better
results for the organization and that could led them for having their better future results. In
addition, some of personal qualities also might be related to the self-confidence, getting things to
be done on time, better communication, stress management and decision making while through
which they are also make sure about their future aspects and have their goals to be complete on
time. Some of the basic key elements of the personal effectiveness such as managing the work,
team motivation, communication, evaluating action plans, awareness about the strength and this
skills are required to be proper for having the better future aspects. This report explain about the
some theories and framework which are related to personal effectiveness for providing the
critical evaluation behaviours in organization and making the personal goals to be achieved.
Finally, reflective statements about the personal effectiveness that have been applied above and
own development successful in the competitive job market for the employee.
Skills and Behaviour of Sundar Pichai
Sundar Pichai is current CEO of companies Google and Alphabet. He leads a company
whose customer population is greater than population of any country and this number is
increasing every day. He, as described by his friends was a very thoughtful person, who used to
pause to find a correct phrase. He was a soft spoken man who used to solve problems of other
people. His ability to lead a group and work well with them has made him a star at Google along
with his knowledge in the product and technological understanding. He topped his soft skills
which made him the best choice for Google and Alphabet. Few of his interpersonal skills
Personal Effectiveness: Skills, Behaviour, and Theories_3

Communication: Sundar Pichai is famous for having to tune his communication
according to the audience he is speaking up to (Vipinkumar and et.al., 2017). He was a shy kid
growing up and he worked on his communication skills and now he is a strong communicator
whose wants everyone working in his team to understand his motive and mission.
Inclusive leader: The man Sundar Pichai is a leader who has always believed in
motivating and empowering his people. He wants his team member to succeed and thus helps
them by removing any blockage or barriers in their way to growth. He believes in looking at
other people’s success and not just his own. He wants his team to work together and wants to
build an organisation on that basis (Rossi, 2018). He has a calm personality and that is what
makes him best for a good leadership role. He avoids war of words but focus on cooperation. He
waits on conflicts rather than conformation opponents.
Team player: He achieves success for his company by uplifting collaboration in the
business and provides personal development for its employees. He wants to build an organisation
on the foundation of team work. He is focusing on trying to set up a collaborative culture within
the organisation.
Simplicity: In one of his interview, he said that he has simplicity to his life, this is very
rare to see in today’s world. While growing up, Mr. Pichai and his family lived in modest house
with tenants (Misra and Srivastava, 2018). So, he was brought up in a simple environment where
buying a refrigerator was a big deal in the family and still follows to live life in that way.
Resilience: Google chrome was an experiment started by his ten engineers’ team and
now, making Google chrome an undisputed leader in market is the biggest evidence that shows
resilience skills in Sundar Pichai. Initially, they suffered from confrontation from the company
members, when they made a working prototype. Even with case of lot of scepticism, Pichai
never gave up, and because of his resilience he finally got the permission to go ahead with
Collaboration: Mr. Sundar Pichai has always tried to avoid any form of conflicts or
resistance from any one. He gave stress on cooperation (Hinton, 2018). He understands the value
of being supportive. He works in a different way than many of the senior executives of the
company and this is the most striking thing about his behaviour and his style of working. Google
being such popular has obviously got into many turf wars because of combative internal culture
but, Mr. Pichai has always look forward to collaborate with people and companies, rather than
Personal Effectiveness: Skills, Behaviour, and Theories_4

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