
Understanding and Leading Change in Primark: An Analysis of Leadership Models and Change Management Theories


Added on  2023-06-11

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Business DevelopmentFinanceProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Understanding and Leading
Understanding and Leading Change in Primark: An Analysis of Leadership Models and Change Management Theories_1

Part 1................................................................................................................................................3
1. Overview of primark:...............................................................................................................3
2. PEST/SWOT analysis of primark:...........................................................................................3
3. Evolution and impact of changes on organization strategies:..................................................4
4. How changes will affect the leadership, Individuals and team behaviour:..............................5
5. How to minimize the negative impact of changes: .................................................................6
6. Long term impact of changes on organization:........................................................................6
PART 2............................................................................................................................................7
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................7
Analysing various leadership models for change management for Primark company................7
Analysing force field analysis for Primark organisation to highlight support and opposition....9
Analysing force field to use recommendations for meeting the objectives of Primark...............9
Analysing different change barriers and their impact on decision-making and leadership of
Analysing the change implemented and the success rate for Primark organization..................10
Analysing the advantage and disadvantage of various leadership approaches..........................11
Critical evaluation of various leadership approaches and change management models to
implement changes.....................................................................................................................12
Understanding and Leading Change in Primark: An Analysis of Leadership Models and Change Management Theories_2

Understanding and leading changes are very essential for the organization of
management. It refers to prepare the worker to face the problem which after the implementation
the change. Primark is an international retailing company which deal with fashion and beauty.
Primark offers the range of product, menswear, women wear, footwear, beauty products, etc.
later this report will discuss the primark changes leads into offline to online technology, its
marketing strategies, and changes impact on the leadership and team.
Part 1
1. Overview of primark:
Primark is a multinational company in retail industry. It was founded in 1969 in Dublin.
It is renowned fashion retailer in clothing, footwear, and accessories. Primark is a successful
company reached at top because of low cost repartition and it maintains a fashion trends. Its
mission statement is to provide customers with high quality, fashion at value for money prices.
Primark's vision is emerged as a popular brand and expand the new stores overall worlds while
ensuring sustainability environment. Its main 2010 motto is look good, pay less. Its Headquarter
of primark at Mayfair, London, UK. Retail stores would open in Spain, Poland, France and
America. Primark is competing with well-known brands. The core value of company include the
ethics, diversify, and protecting environment. Primark company specially focus on the
environment care, it plans to focus on sustain fabric and recycling method which help to
maintain better environment. It also works for creating the friendly place for staff and customers.
Employees work in primark around the 80,000 people and it believes in growing talent no matter
about the experience. Now a day, it plans to focus on the offline retailing to online retailing
strategy and forecast that leading changes in the technologies. In advance technology will lead to
provide the both types of shopping experience to the customer (Xydia,2019).
2. PEST/SWOT analysis of primark:
PEST analysis:
PEST analysis stands for political, economic, social, and technological. The PEST model
describe the trend and requirement of customers, which understand what is going on outside of
the business environment, it will help to implement changes more quickly and effectively.
Understanding and Leading Change in Primark: An Analysis of Leadership Models and Change Management Theories_3

Political factor: Political factor relate to government control and influence over industry and it
factors include the government policy, taxation, etc. UK maintains great power, with
considerable influence the political affairs, scientific and cultural.
Economic factor: In UK, the global lock-down destroyed many business and retail industry
across the countries, so primark should access retail physical to online. It must be consisted
reasonable price, easy shopping, clear and easy shopping.
Social factor: In developing world, social factor assist in trend and growing continuously as
education, heath so, social factor that influence the technology adoption.
Technological factor: Now a day, every person have an electronic gadgets and many more
people use the social network so primark should be started e-commerce trend and it helps to
achieve the target of the company (Eisenberg,2019).
SWOT analysis:
Swot analysis of primark retail industry — to see how online shopping is placed for the future
and how it will help to grow for the primark company.
Strength: Primark is a premium retail chain and it has an extensive range of products including
menswear, women wear, and footwear, etc. Buyers will easily purchase products from the
comfort of their home, at whatever times and the online shopping with lower cost will directly
seller interact the customers.
Weaknesses: Primark may lead to inconsistencies in quality. In competition the premium
fashion segment means the limited market share growth. It may lead to time in market share
Opportunities: Online shopping industry is growing market and it is the biggest opportunities
for the primark. There are number of uses who use social media platforms, so primark can use
the social following to promote the online technologies.
Threats: e-commerce industry is strong but facing some problems and treats like competition,
fraud, data concerns and monopolies.
3. Evolution and impact of changes on organization strategies:
In digital technologies, consumer can buy online from the stores directly. The main aim
of the e-commerce retail is to manage the online payments, purchasing, product and customers
detail. It able to convenience the every customer over the world and helps to Primark company in
Understanding and Leading Change in Primark: An Analysis of Leadership Models and Change Management Theories_4

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