
Professional Identity & Practice- Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Professional Development
Professional Identity & Practice- Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4P1. Key benefits of on going professional development for different stakeholders withincompany.................................................................................................................................4P2. Investigate professional employer expectation of skills and competencies within industry6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P3. Assess own abilities, skills, and competences for a specific job role..............................7P4. Review a range of learning theories and approaches used for personal and professionaldevelopment processes...........................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P5. Construct a development plan to enhance chosen skills and competencies within a specificwork context...........................................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P6. Undertake a job interview for a suitable service industry role.........................................7P7. Review key strengths and weaknesses of an applied interview process..........................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Professional Identity & Practice- Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONProfessional identity can be seen as the concept that is made up of several belief,attributes, experience, motives and practices which contributes in the improvement in theperformance of the individual at work place. Mainly it is developed with various situations that isbeing faced by the individual and also makes them learn new things which overall develops theirworking capability. The present report is based on Crowne Plaza Hotel, a chain of hotel whoseheadquarter is situated in United Kingdom. The hotel is mainly providing accommodationoriented services to its guest (Brooks, 2016) The present report include discussion on the keybenefits of on going professional development for stakeholders within the company and differentexpectation of employer in the terms of skills. At next, it will conduct a skill audit analysis forspecific job. It also describes about different learning theory that supports in improvement ofskills as well as competencies of employees. Last but not the least, it describes job interview forthe chosen job role along with its strength and weakness. TASK 1P1. Key benefits of on going professional development for different stakeholders withincompanyProfessional development refers to an important practice which helps an individual inimproving their working practices that leads to improvement in career growth. For the purpose ofdeveloping employees skills business organisations are focusing on conducting certain regularbased training sessions in which employees are trained from expertise. Along with the trainingsession, business organisation also conducts some seminars, events and many other programswhere employees gets opportunity to sharpen their skills as well as knowledge. Hospitalityindustry is very dense in size as it has number of players which are leading the industry.Therefore, it is essential for the undertaken company that is Crowne Plaza Hotel to use someinnovative ideas and themes for attracting maximum number of customer towards the company.This will help them out in gaining competitive edge (Cruess, Cruess and Steinert, 2016). Alongwith this, the hotel also required to develop skills and capabilities of the existing employees bydeveloping professional skills of employees at continuous basis. Apart from the accommodationfacility, Crowne Plaza Hotel is also offering some of the other leisure facilities like swimmingpool, gym, spa, wellness centres etc. The chosen hotel is also planning to introduce new bedroom
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design. In this regard, the top management team of Crowne Plaza Hotel is focusing on goingprofessional development as it helps them in gaining competitive edge by delivering high qualityservices to the guest. Some of the main benefit of On-going professional development foremployee and employer as described as below in detailed manner. Basis of comparisonEmployerEmployeesIncrease employeeretentionOn-goingprofessionaldevelopment helps an employerin retaining employee longer inthe company. In context ofCrowne Plaza Hotel, it can saidthat regular based developmentinfluences interest of individualtowards the company as theirlearning improves their quality ofperformance (Cruess, Cruess andSteinert, 2016). On-going professional developmentimproves skills and knowledge ofemployees. This ultimately enhancesnumber of opportunities in thecompany for them. Along with this,these employees can also attain theirprofessional goals with advancedskills. Enhancesproductivity With reference to Crowne PlazaHotel, it can be said that regularbased training seminars andsessions directly raises workingcapability of employees. Thisultimately improves overallproductivity of hotel. For employees, the main benefit ofon-going professional development isthat employees are able to performtheir work in more effective mannerwithout facing any trouble. Error freework improves productivity level ofemployees as they are able to workeffectively without facing anyobstacle. Enhance KnowledgeProfessional development plandirectly improves workingcapability of the Crowne PlazaHotel as employees of this hotelare now capable of dealing withThe knowledge which have beendeveloped with the help ofprofessional development helpsemployees in developing rightstrategy for the company. Along with
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