
Project Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows 24 RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWS


Added on  2020-03-16

26 Pages3957 Words69 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWSProject Management: Riverina Agriculture and Lifetime Shows (RALS)Name of the student:Name of the university:
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1RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWSTable of ContentsPart 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)...........................................................................21.1 Identification of the desired areas..............................................................................................31.2 Identifying different types of values..........................................................................................71.3 Development of appropriate metrics.........................................................................................71.4 Development of RALS timeframe.............................................................................................81.5 Summary of the MOV project.................................................................................................14Part 2: Scope management plan for RALS project........................................................................152.1 Developing project scope for the RALS project......................................................................162.2 List of project resources...........................................................................................................162.3 Details of the project resources................................................................................................17Part 3: Work Breakdown Structure................................................................................................183.1 Developing Work Breakdown structure..................................................................................183.2 Activities associated to the RALS project...............................................................................183.3 Identifying the project resources.............................................................................................213.4 Estimation of cost for the RALS project.................................................................................223.5 Allotted time for the RALS project.........................................................................................22Part 4: Risk analysis and risk management plan for RALS project..............................................254.1 Project risk management planning...........................................................................................25Part 5: Quality management plan..................................................................................................285.1 Team philosophy for the RALS project...................................................................................285.2 Quality assurance for the RALS project..................................................................................29Part 6: Closure and project evaluation plan...................................................................................296.1 project closure checklist development.....................................................................................296.2 Development of project closure evaluation outlining..............................................................30Bibliography..................................................................................................................................31
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2RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWSPart 1: Measurable Organizational Value (MOV)Globex Organization has arranged 3 days events called Riverina Agriculture and LifetimeShows (RALS) for the consumers who are willing to develop their businesses with measurableorganizational values effectively. The participants of the event are allowed to get entry passes for1, 2 or 3 or for all the 3 days. People who are interested to in business values will be able to gainknowledge regarding local business capabilities, suppliers of the agricultural equipments andmany other lifetime products. The project developers of any business organization are required tofollow certain components including co-ordination for show stand, equipments for thedevelopment and display of the program live, arrangement of foods or catering and volunteersfor managing the program properly. This program is organizing by the organizers since 2000 inthe same location. However, due to growing popularity of the event the numbers of participantsare also increasing day by day and according to the growing demand of the tickets the volunteershave currently willing to implement an online ticket booking system for the participants of theevent. After the identification of desired Measurable Organizational Values the project scope,accurate project metrics, timeframe of the RALS project and cost estimation for the project areelaborated in this report. In addition to the time and finance management a risk management andquality management plan are also illustrated. Based on the required time for an activity accuratecost will be estimated for the project. The desired area for MOV and their ranking according tothe impact on the project is also illustrated in this report. 1.1 Identification of the desired areas Desired areas ofRankingFrequencyImpact
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3RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWSMOVStrategies 1High Business strategies arethe most importantcomponents that arestrictly needed to beconsidered by theproject manager togainmeasurablesuccess from thecompetitivemarketplace withhigher success. Customers 2High Without the supportand help of theconsumersanybusiness or projectwill be babe to gainhuge success andcompetitiveadvantages as well.Therefore,thesatisfaction levels ofthe consumers are themost important thingthat should beconsidered by theprojectmanagerbeforetheimplementation of anyproject. Consideringthe project details it isdetermined that theonline ticket bookingsystem is needed to beuser friendly andsecured as well. Operational 4Medium The operational andfunctional excellenceof any business andproject are very muchimportant things to beconsidered.Theoperational ability ofthe online ticketbooking system musthave user friendly
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4RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWSactivities so that allthe consumers couldhandle the systemmust properly. Financial 3High Without proper capitalinvestmentandfinancial support noneof the roject orbusiness operationcould get successfrom the competitivemarket. In order to geteffective success fromthecompetitivemarket it is necessaryfor the projectdevelopers and eventorganizer to estimatethe RALS projectbudget properly. If theproject manager failsto make the feasibilitystudy then, the majorrisks will occur. Social 5Medium The impact of socialmedia is quiteimportant for thesuccessfulimplementation of theRALS project. Theprojectmanager,volunteers and theconsumers of theprograms of theRALS show will beable to communicatewith each otherfrequently with thehelp of socialcomponents.
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5RIVERINA AGRICULTURE AND LIFETIME SHOWS1.2 Identifying different types of values Better: The existing offline ticket booking system or the manual ticket booking system isnot inefficient but at the same time the online ticket booking system is much better from both thebusiness and consumer’s perspectives. The online ticket booking system will be able to serve amuch better and user friendly system for application to the event participants.Faster: The online system is faster from the operational and functional aspect. After theimplementation of this system the participants will be able to get tickets faster than thetraditional systems and they need not to wait in the queue. Cheaper: With the evolvement of online ticket booking system the number of systemoperators or manpower get reduced and thus, the overall cost needed for the implementation ofthe system get reduced automatically, 1.3 Development of appropriate metricsFor the successful implementation of the RALS project in Globex it is impornat todevelop proper project metrics. The assumption and expectation of the project team members aredifferent and all the expectations are needed to reach properly. The expectation of the projectmetrics are below:stakeholdersExpectation of the stakeholdersProject Sponsor The project sponsors are required to investproper capital for the successful projectcompletion Project manager Expects to deliver on time ticket bookingsystem on time within the estimated budgetFinance manager Expects to complete the project withinestimated budget and proper time as well.HR manager To manage the project team managersproperly Operation manager To implement proper application for the RALS
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