
Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis

This coursework requires the completion of an experimental research report on the topic of selective attention: early vs. late selection. The hypothesis is that information that is unattended and ignored will still be perceived and influence behavior (late selection view). The report should be 1500 words (+/-10%), excluding the References and Supplementary Materials sections, with an abstract of 100 words included in the overall word limit.

17 Pages3529 Words84 Views

Added on  2023-06-15

About This Document

This study analyzes the effect of reaction time on gender using one-way ANOVA and t-test analysis. The study examines the difference between the reaction time of congruent, neutral, and incongruent on gender. The data is collected for 113 females and 17 males for each type of reaction time. The study finds significant differences between the mean reaction time of congruent and neutral, congruent and incongruent, and neutral and incongruent.

Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis

This coursework requires the completion of an experimental research report on the topic of selective attention: early vs. late selection. The hypothesis is that information that is unattended and ignored will still be perceived and influence behavior (late selection view). The report should be 1500 words (+/-10%), excluding the References and Supplementary Materials sections, with an abstract of 100 words included in the overall word limit.

   Added on 2023-06-15

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The researcher wants to know the effect of reaction time on the gender. To find the evidence about the
difference between the reaction time of congruent, neutral and incongruent on gender the one way
analysis of variance will be used.
To know about the whether there is a significant difference between the mean reaction time of
congruent, neutral and incongruent on gender, the independent sample t-test will be used for each type
of reaction time.
To know about the whether there is a significant difference between the mean reaction time of
congruent and neutral, congruent and incongruent, and neutral and incongruent, the pair sample t-test
will be used.
The purpose of the study is to know about the effects of the reaction time on gender. The question for
the study is whether there is significance effect of reaction time on the gender and whether there is a
significant difference between the mean reaction time of congruent and neutral, congruent and
incongruent, and neutral and incongruent. The data is collected for the 113 female and 17 males for
each type of reaction time, the variable gender was measured into two categories 0 as male and 1 as
female, so it is belongs to the nominal level, and the variables age, reaction time (Congruent, neutral
and incongruent) contains integer values, so it can be consider as a quantitative variable. The main
findings of statistical analysis is shown below:
Gender Age RT_Congruent RT_Neutral RT_Incongruent
Female N Valid 113 113 113 113
Missing 0 0 0 0
Male N Valid 17 17 17 17
Missing 0 0 0 0
Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis_1
The descriptive statistics for each type of reaction time is shown below:
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Age 130 18 25 19.08 1.335
RT_Congruent 130 348 998 685.38 190.722
RT_Neutral 130 350 992 672.62 187.270
RT_Incongruent 130 351 997 798.78 132.100
Valid N (listwise) 130
The mean age of respondents is 19 years, the mean reaction time for the congruent is 685.38, for
neutral is 672.62 and for incongruent is 798.78.
It is required to know about the effect of reaction time of congruent, neutral and incongruent on
gender, so it is a pure research. It is an experimental design where it is required to test the hypothesis
for the relationship between the independent variables (Age, congruent, neutral and incongruent) and
the dependent variable gender. The data can be divided into two categories as qualitative or
quantitative. The qualitative data contains the qualitative values in different levels as binary, nominal
and ordinal and the quantitative data contains the numeric values (Tesch, 2013). The variable gender
has two categories 0 as male and 1 as female, so it is belongs to the nominal level, and the variables
age, reaction time (Congruent, neutral and incongruent) contains integer values, so it can be consider
as a quantitative variable. The variable age is a quantitative variable, It indicates the age of gender.
The 100 participants took part in the research. There were total 113 female and 17 males in total of
130 participants. The minimum age of participants for female category was 18 years and maximum
age was 25 years, the mean age of 113 females was 19 years. The minimum age of participants for
male category was 18 years and maximum age was 22 years, the mean age of 17 male was about 19.5
Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis_2
years. The mean reaction time for 113 female for the congruent is 679.96, for neutral is 680.66 and for
incongruent is 795.19 . The mean reaction time for 113 male for the congruent is 721.97, for neutral is
619.18 and for incongruent is 822.71.
Statistical methods is a process of gathering, brief, examination and the explanation of the analysis.
The features of the study contained, a detailed plan, arrangement to get relative results from the
respondents. The statistical tests applies on the basis of research design, type of variable and the
distribution of data. If the data is distributed normally, then the parametric tests used for analysis, and
if the data is not normally distributed then the non-parametric tests use for the analysis.
To find the evidence about the difference between the reaction time of congruent, neutral and
incongruent on gender the one way analysis of variance will be used. The one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) used to know about significant differences between the means of two or more
independent (unrelated) groups. Here, independent variables are Age, congruent, neutral and
incongruent and the dependent variable gender.
The assumptions are given below:
1. Dependent variable must contain continuous scale.
2. Independent variable must be contain two categorical groups, "related groups" or "matched pairs".
3. The major outliers should not exists.
5. There is no relationship between the each group observations and between groups.
5. Dependent variable should follow a normal distribution.
6. Variances should be homogenous for combination of groups.
To check the assumptions of normality and outliers, follow the below process:
i. Write the provided data into SPSS data editor.
Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis_3
ii. Click on “Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Explore”, a new dialog box will appear, select the
dependent variables.
iii. Now, click on the “Plots” option and select the “Normality plots with tests”.
iv. Click on the “Continue” option and then press “OK” to get the results.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Age .253 130 .000 .786 130 .000
RT_Congruent .064 130 .200* .959 130 .001
RT_Neutral .100 130 .003 .944 130 .000
RT_Incongruent .086 130 .019 .946 130 .000
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
The Shapiro-Wilk test provide more appropriate results for the sample size 50 to 2000, thus in this
case the data is 130 which indicates Shapiro-Wilk will be appropriate to test the normality. The p-
value for the Shapiro-Wilk test for all samples is less than 0.05 level of significance, which indicates
that data is non-normal. The data is not normally distrusted.
The analysis procedure is given as below:
1. Click on Analyze > Comparison means > One-way ANOVA, a new dialog box will appear, select
the dependent variable as “Age, congruent, neutral and incongruent” and the fixed factors as “Gender”
2. Click of the “Options” tab and Select the options “Descriptive and Homogeneity of variances”.
3. Press “Continue” then press “OK” option to get output. The results are:
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Age 1.522 1 128 .220
RT_Congruent 1.228 1 128 .270
RT_Neutral .020 1 128 .889
RT_Incongruent .062 1 128 .804
The p-value for age, reaction time of congruent, neutral and incongruent is greater than 5%
significance level. Hence, homogeneity of variance assumption being met.
Effect of Reaction Time on Gender: One-Way ANOVA and T-Test Analysis_4

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