
Research Proposal: Effective Talent Management Strategies for Business Success


Added on  2022-12-27

18 Pages4804 Words1 Views
Leadership ManagementCalculus and Analysis
Reasearch proposal
Research Proposal: Effective Talent Management Strategies for Business Success_1

Research Proposal: Effective Talent Management Strategies for Business Success_2

Research Proposal Form
Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: ____________
Centre Name: _____________________
Tutor: ________________ Date: ___________________
Unit: ____________________
Proposed Title: ______________________________________________
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Research Title- “To examine the effective talent management strategies for the success of business
Research Aim- The key aim behind organising this research project is, “To determine the effectiveness
strategies of talent management for the business success. A case study on ASDA.”
Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to
do? What do you want to find out?):
Research objectives-
To study the concept of effective talent management strategies.
To examine the challenges that face by ASDA in absence of talent management strategies.
To determine the possible talent management strategies that opts by the management of ASDA in
order to deal with challenges.
To evaluate the effectiveness of talent management strategies for the success of organisation.
Research questions-
What do you study the concept of talent management?
What are the challenges that face by ASDA in context of talent management?
What are the possible the strategies that opts by the management of ASDA in order to deal with
What is the effectiveness of talent management strategies for the success of organisation?
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Research Proposal: Effective Talent Management Strategies for Business Success_3

Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest,
future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
Rationale of research- The reason for organising and conducting the research on this topic is such that it
will support the investigator to improve the knowledge that in turn helps in the future planning. Apart from
this, conducting investigation in this research area will further support to determine several manners or
strategies of talent management which can be opted by the management of business organisation in context
of making development and success of the establishment (Taylor, 2018). As, surveyor have their own
personal interest to and that is why, it will support to examine on this topic that in turn enable to meet the
gain knowledge as well. By this study, investigator also creates a development opportunity that in turn to
meet their future plan.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:
the concept of effective talent management strategies
As per the view of Writer S. (2019), talent management is explained as the methodology conducted,
strategic process of getting the right talent onboard and supporting them grow to their optimal abilities
keeping organisational objectives in mind. The activity thus consists finding out skill gaps and vacant posts,
sourcing for and on boarding the suitable applicants, developing them within the system and improving
required abilities, training for expertise with a future focus and appropriately involving, retaining and
encouraging them to accomplish long term business aims. Talent management in companies is not just
limited to attracting the best individual from the business sector but it is a constant process that considers
sourcing, hiring, developing and promoting them when meeting the business needs simultaneously. Talent
management naturally includes many of the duties of HR. To accomplish growth in business, the most
important thing is to recognise the talent that can accompany the firm in attaining their aim.
the challenges that face by ASDA in absence of talent management strategies
There are several issues and challenges which can be faced by organisations in order to talent management.
Some of them are as under:
Higher total compensation demands- Workers continually feel pressure to offer will for themselves and
for their dependents. When they feel their compensation is not fair, they would not hesitate to speak up
about the situation (The 5 biggest talent management challenges for HR in 2017). This creates a complex
situation for any human resources manager whose duty considers keeping workers for fulfilled while
keeping costs low.
Lack of leadership- It is one of the key challenges which faced by organisations in order to talent
management. If the company has not effective leadership, then people not get appropriate guidance as well
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