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IMC Campaign for Nature's Own


Added on  2020/05/28

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This assignment tasks students with developing and analyzing an integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign for the vitamin brand Nature's Own. The analysis should encompass various elements such as market segmentation, identification of the target audience, and a detailed examination of the marketing mix strategies to be employed. The final plan should demonstrate a clear understanding of IMC principles and their application in a real-world business context.

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Communication Plan for Nature’s Own Company

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Target market...............................................................................................................................3
Value proposition.............................................................................................................................3
Communication objective................................................................................................................4
Internet marketing components and techniques..............................................................................5
Design and plan...............................................................................................................................7
Media plan....................................................................................................................................7
Budget plan..................................................................................................................................8
Evaluation plan............................................................................................................................9
List of Figures
Figure 1: Nature's Own Position......................................................................................................4
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Marketing communication can be described as coordinated advertising messages that can
be provided by various modes. It is the basic that works in the framework or concept of
marketing. The key objective of marketing communication of any company is to target the
potential customers and to attract them by informing, and providing better quality products as
compared to competitors. This report includes digital communication plan for the vitamin
supplement company named Nature's Own Australia. This report focuses on the target market,
communication objectives such as integrated communication, designing message and media
strategy, budgeting of plan and evaluation of overall strategy etc. Company Nature's Own started
its operations in 1975 with the passion for life and good health by nature. The mission of the
company is to inspire people in Australia to be a Force of Nature. The objective of the company
is to provide quality products including most effective ingredients along with the latest resources
in the nutritional science (Nature's Own, 2018). Company has wide range of products i.e.
energy and mental alertness, immunity and wellbeing including men’s health, multivitamins and
women’s health. Now the company is trying to expand the business in the Chinese market. This
communication plan has objective to enhance the sales of vitamin supplements in the Chinese
Target market
Nature's Own will target young people in order to create the awareness of the brand in the
market. For this manner, the company will target youth with the age of 26 to 34. The reason of
targeting these customers is that they are crucial part of the society. They have lots of work
pressure so; they need more energy in order to deal with the pressure in their daily work. Along
with this, young people are also very conscious for their health. So, Nature's Own will target
them to identify their needs and provide the vitamin supplements based on their requirements.
Further, company will also target female customers as women need special care for their health.
Value proposition
Company Nature’s own will target both men as well as women will provide value to
them by its vitamin products. The goal of Nature's Own is to provide high quality vitamin
supplements with the affordable prices to the customers. The company will provide value to the
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customers by improving the lives of the customers and by providing various vitamin
supplements to fit their needs (Martínez, 2012). The value proposition provided by the company
is linked to the internet business model as this industry is forecasted to grow over the next five
years until 2019. By providing value proposition, company will able to attract more customers
and gain more profit. In the Australian market, company Nature’s own has strong position
among the customers (Roger, 2013). Due to its popularity, customers are able to identify its
products easily in the market. Similarly, company wants to provide unique quality and value to
the customers in China market. Nature’s own has highest position in the Australian market in
terms of quality and unique products (Roy Morgan, 2016).
Figure 1: Nature's Own Position
(Source: Roy Morgan, 2016)
Communication objective
Effective integrated marketing communication plan focuses on the quantifiable and
specific area. Nature’s own is operating in the Australian market and now it is seeking for the

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expansion in the China market. For this manner, company has communication objective with the
expansion in the new market. The communication objective of Nature’s own is to enhance the
sales of its products in the Chinese market. In order to achieve this order, company needs to
enhance the brand awareness among its target market. This would be done by using various
marketing tools and techniques in order to promote the products offered by the company (Hutt &
Speh, 2010).
Internet marketing components and techniques
There are some common internet marketing tools and techniques which can be used for
achieving organizational goals and objectives outside the country. Some of the marketing
components are described below which can be used in the interactive marketing campaign of the
company Nature’s own.
Banner advertising
This is the most common and well-known form of online promotions of the brand.
Banner advertising or banner ads make the company able to buy ‘online billboards’ on the
famous websites for showing the promotional messages. This tool would be helpful for Nature’s
own to target the customers by showing advertisements on various websites. The advertisements
will be in the standard size including images and text and will be presented in gif, jpeg, of flash
Email marketing
Email marketing campaign is cost effective to attract the customers. This is the direct
way to target the market and communicate with the potential customers who are interested in the
products provided by the company. Email marketing builds a database of users who are agreed in
receiving marketing messages by the company. Company needs to focus on the distribution,
design and effectiveness of the email while creating an email marketing campaign (O'Guinn,
Allen & Semenik, 2011).
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Blogs are also a different form of websites which also provides basic advertising
opportunities including sponsorship and banner advertising. Company can also create blogs in
order to improve SEO programs, email database, public relation initiatives, and communication
outlets. Companies like General Motors has started using blogs not only products and services
but also start a new line of communication (Buhalis & Neuhofer, 2012).
Social media
Various websites and platforms like FaceBook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter have
created communities of users having common relationships and interests. The social media
platforms provide sponsorship opportunities and banner advertising to the markers. Along with
this, the social media websites has ability to promote and inform the customers about the new
products and services (Tuten & Solomon, 2013).
Third party promotion
This is the most common form of online promotion by which a company can promote its
brand or products in the new market via third-party website. The promotional activities can
include pop ups, and banner advertisements, etc. These advertisements can be both paid as well
as unpaid based on the click-through rates or based on the viewership of the site.
For the company Nature’s own, social media tools, blogs, email marketing and banner
advertisements will be used in the communication campaign. Reason for selecting these email
techniques is that these are effective tools to target the customers in the new market. The reason
of selecting these tools is discussed below.
Each and every business has objective to grow in the market and for this reason, banner
advertisement will be most effective tool for the company Nature’s own. The banner
advertisement is affordable as compared to other marketing tools. Banner advertisements will be
effective in enhancing the brand recognition of Nature’s own (Kant & Narwal, 2014). In case of
social media, every networking site has unique characteristic and objective in the marketing
activities. Facebook is the biggest and powerful social networking site in all over the world
including 1.55 billion active monthly users. Along with this, Twitter is the perfect online
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marketing tool to promote the business among the customers (De Mooij, 2013). Similarly,
LinkedIn is the professional social networking site which focuses on B2B rather than B2C
marketing. Social media marketing will be helpful in enhancing the brand awareness of Nature’s
own in the new market. It is observed that 78% of businesses are using social media tools in
order to target the customers (Turnbull & Valla, 2013).
Design and plan
In the era of competition, there are various business organizations using creative
promotional styles in order to promote the products and attract the customers towards products.
The companies use various elements like psychographic, statistics, behavioral and creative
process in order to attract potential customers in the market. For this manner, building a slogan
will be effective in the advertising. By creating a slogan, Nature’s own will be able to enhance
the value of its advertising campaign in China market. Further, the limited time design of the
company will be set up to create the slogan as it will be effective in retaining the existing
customers and targeting the new customers (Cadogan, 2012). It will enhance the brand image of
Nature’s own in the China market. It will also identify the market opportunity in the foreign
market. The company will make an innovative promoting message. Company Nature’s own has
effective slogan for Australian market i.e. Inspired by nature. This slogan will also be used in
China market as company will assure the customers to provide quality vitamin supplements with
the natural ingredients (Baig, Raza & Farooq, 2011).
Media plan
For the company Nature’s own, media plan is described below. In the communication
plan, various marketing techniques and tactics will be implemented. The media tools and tactics
will be helpful in publicizing its communication objectives and creative strategy in the market.
This media plan will be helpful in appealing the customers so it will be efficiently and effectively
developed. The media vehicles and strategies for the company Nature’s own is as follows:
Social media marketing
In current time, people are very active on the social media platforms. So, social media
tools are the most important parts of the marketing. For the communication plan, Nature’s own
will include Instagram, FaceBook, and Twitter in the online and digital marketing (Porterfield,

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E-marketing 8
Khare &Vahl, 2013). Social media channels will provide most of the marketing facilities to the
company. For Nature’s own, Facebook will cover 55% of market, Instagram will cover 25% of
market, and Twitter will cover 22% of the total market. By the use social media tools, company
will be able to target new customers in the China market by making them aware their health
(Luttrell, 2016).
To attract the customers, Nature’s own need to provide right information to them. By
writing effective blogs, Nature’s own aim will be to provide deep information about vitamin
supplements. In the blogs, company would tell to the customers how the vitamin supplements are
prepared with the natural resources so that the customers would be connected with openness and
Email marketing
Email marketing will be used in the digital communication plan of Nature’s own. In the
email marketing, company will make a list of the customers to whom company wants to target.
For this marketing, there would be those customers who will give permission to subscribe their
email lists. Nature’s own will send some features of media plan to the customers i.e. broachers,
newsletters, and advertisements. Email marketing would be useful for Nature’s own to make
people aware about the health and vitamin supplements to the potential customers. Posters and
print media will also be sending by the email marketing (Pavlou & Stewart, 2015).
Budget plan
Promotional Budget (Nature's Own Australia)
Promotion Tools Amount
(in $)
Social/Digital Media Marketing
1. Facebook $5,500
2. Twitter $4,000
3. Youtube $6,500
Total Social Media $16,000
E-mail Marketing $17,000
Online Display ads $6,500
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Other Online promotional Campgains $25,000
Total Budget for Online Media $64,500
Evaluation plan
The evaluation of the overall campaign will be done in the parts i.e. before the campaign,
during the campaign and after the campaign. First evaluation will be testing the tactics. This will
provide an idea of the campaign’s accuracy. In the tactics testing, IMC campaign will be
executed in some markets and the responses of the customers will be noted. During the
campaign, the performance of the campaign and message provided by the company will be
observed. After the campaign, the results of the overall process will be analyzed. The success
and growth of the campaign will be observed by this testing and evaluation.
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E-marketing 10
Baig, M. K., Raza, H., & Farooq, U. (2011). E-Commerce Adoption: A Comparative Study of
Sweden and Pakistan. Linköping.
Buhalis, D., and Neuhofer, B., (2012). Everything you need to know about internet marketing:
Annals of Tourism Research. 39(2). pp.1266-1268
Cadogan, J. W., (2012). International marketing, strategic orientations and business success:
International Marketing Review. 29(4). 340-348
De Mooij, M., (2013). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes.
Sage Publications
Hutt, D.H. & Speh, T.W. (2010). Business Marketing Management. (10th) South Western:
Cengage Learning
Kant, R., & Narwal, M., (2014), Role of e-commerce in consumer decision making: International
Journal of Research in Business Management. 2(6). 77-88
Luttrell, R., (2016). Social Media: How to Engage, Share, and Connect. Rowman & Littlefield
Martínez, P., (2012). The Consumer Mind: Brand Perception and the Implications for
Marketers. USA: Kogan Page Ltd
Nature’s Own, (2018). Why we do what we do. Retrieved on 19th January 2018 from
O'Guinn, T., Allen, C., & Semenik, R., (2011). Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion.
Ohio: Cengage Learning.
Pavlou, P. A. & Stewart, D. W. (2015). Interactive Advertising: A New Conceptual Framework
towards Integrating Elements of the Marketing Mix. pp. 218-222
Porterfield, A., Khare, P., and Vahl, A., (2013). Facebook marketing all-in-one for dummies.
Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons
Roger, A. K., (2013). Marketing In Asia. (2nd). Columbus. OH: McGraw-Hill Education
Roy Morgan, (2016). Nature’s Own: Australia’s own favorite vitamin brand. Retrieved on 19th
January 2018 from

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Turnbull, P. W., & Valla, J. P., (2013). Strategies for international industrial marketing. USA:
Croom Helm
Tuten, T., and Solomon, M., (2013). Social media marketing. Boston: Pearson
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