
Report on Organisational Behaviour - Assignment


Added on  2020-12-09

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Report on Organisational Behaviour - Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31. Analyzing the way business power, politics and culture influence respective as well asteam behavior/ Performance. .....................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................61. Evaluating the way content and process theory and techniques of motivation enableseffective accomplishment of goals. ...........................................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................91. Characteristics of an effective team as opposed to ineffective team. .....................................9TASK 4 .........................................................................................................................................111. Application of concepts as well as philosophies of organizational behavior within anenterprise. .................................................................................................................................11CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Report on Organisational Behaviour - Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganization behavior is defined as the study which is mainly concerned with the waypeople behave as well as interact with each other within an enterprise. It can also be consideredto be as important principle which can be applied in order to run business more effectively.Organizational behavior can also be defined as part of management activities which is primarilyconcerned with developing understanding, predicting as well as influencing behavior ofemployees within an enterprise. It is basically study of human behavior. The assignment emphasizes on assessing the way politics, culture and power ininfluences the behavior as well as performance of team and individual. Organization chosen forpresent study is A David Co., It is the company which offers food and beverages to customers.Study will have focus on evaluation the content as well as process theory of motivation. It willalso include the suggestions related to the techniques which can be used by management in anorganization for inspiring people to work. TASK 11. Analysing the way business power, politics and culture influence respective as well as teambehaviour/ Performance. Politics can be referred to as use of social network and power in order to get work doneby other people in an organization. An individual become part of politics at workplace forfulfilling their own interest. Politics can also be defined as irrational behavior of people atworkplace for gaining the advantages which are beyond their control. Political culture prevails inA David co. Politics within an enterprise has great effect on individual as well as team behavior.It also has great influence on performance of employees in A David organization. Politics atworkplace have both positive and negative influence on individual behavior. The main reasonfor politics in an organization is different in culture of employees which first give rise toconflicts that it covers into politics (Vince, 2018). It is very much important for management inA David Co. to generate culture difference awareness as this tactic will help them in avoiding theconflicts as well as politics at workplace. In context of A David organization , main reason fortthe politics is that many of employees in an organization perceives that manager taken decisionfor fulfilling their own interest. Biases in management as well as lack of clear policy has given toconflicts and also given rise to politics at workplace.
Report on Organisational Behaviour - Assignment_3

Negative influence of politicsThe politics between employees has given rise to the various business issues such as highemployee turnover rate, absenteeism, low, morale of workers. All these problems have adverseeffect on the performance of employees as well as organization. In context of A David co, fewemployees in an organization has become part of politics in order to come in limelight and theyalso intend to gain attention of management. Effects of politics on A David co. as well as on its employees, this include:Decrease in productivity: It has analyzed that politics in A David co. Has lead to the decline inthe productivity of firm. Due to politics, employees working an organization has lessconcentration on their work. Many of the workers in A David organization has failed to achievetheir target which has adversely effected their performance at workplace (Suddaby,VialeandGendron,2016.) . Affects concentration :Due to politics many of the workers in A David firm is facing issues inmaintaining their concentration on work. It has also been analyzed that people involved in thepolitics are bound to make more mistakes. Changes in attitude of workers: Politics has negative effect on the attitude of workers. Becauseof politics serious people lack their interest in work. Increase in level of stress on workers: In context of A David Co, due to politics people in anorganization face difficulty in sharing their problems with their seniors which has lead to theincrease in their stress level. Workers in an organization find it difficult to confide in any oftheir fellow workers due to the fear of secrets getting leaked. Because of politics there is lack oftrust among employees. Spoils the ambience : The politics has negative effect on the culture a swell as workingenvironment in an enterprise. In context of A David politics at workplace has adversely effectedthe relationship between people working in a group.Positive effect of politics: In context of A David Co.One the positive influence of politics toorganization is that it can form basis for competitive advantage, specifically when employees arehighly political skilled. Politics is advantageous in context of promoting equality. Power : It can be referred to as an ability of an individual to control the behavior ofpeople within an organization. Power can be utilized in positive and negative manner. There are
Report on Organisational Behaviour - Assignment_4

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