
Marriott Hotel: Organisational Structure


Added on  2021-02-19

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Stakeholders: Prime objective of every business is to satisfy the customers, who help a firm in achieving theestablished target. Therefore, the manager of Hotel Marriott should pay attention on needs of the customers becauseultimately they are the once who keeps a company alive in marketplace. Customers’ needs must be acknowledgedso that organization can attain success as well as lead to growth. In this case, focus is on groups by which they willbe able to acquire more number of customers. They take into consideration what they are expecting and what isbeing delivered to them. Social listening is other factor, which must be taken into consideration by firms. It denotesprocess of analysing as well as tracking what is being said about organization on the social media. It will providethem with an opportunity to address so that they can acquire higher profits. Keyword research is the another methodthrough which needs of customers can be identified, they are responsible for giving insight into customer’s needs. Itwill provide organization with an information related with whether the people are looking forward for servicesoffered by Hotel Marriott via online mediums. These three steps will assist them to identify the possibleopportunities which they can utilize and can acquire better and productive results.Internal Factors Affecting Structure of Marriott Hotel:Organisational Structure: It is directly related with organisational size, whereby for increasing growth andexpansion of business, that requires managers of Marriott to make policies which meet international standardization.Therefore, this may impact directly upon existing structure of organisation and affect management styles ofrespective hotel as well. Organisational Objectives: Due to changes in organisational objectives and strategies, managers of Marriott alsoneed to make changes in existing structure of workplace. External Factors Impacting the Structure of Marriott Hotel:Technology: this factor highly impacts upon the structure of an organisation, whereby making changes intechnology needs to change entire infrastructure as well. Therefore, this may affect working procedure of respectivehotel and force managers to make changes in organisational structure by enhancing skills of workers as well. It alsodepends upon the size of the organisation and on the very basis, the impact is drawn on the structure. As such incase of small organisations, power is centralised and in case of large organisations the power is decentralised.Competitors: Currently competition is one of most common factor that each company faces. In order to stay aheadin UK market various hospitality sectors companies are facing problems to manage existing organisational structure.For Hotel Marriott, the prime competitors under UK market are Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, Four SeasonsHotels, Radisson Blu, Hilton Hotels and many more. Therefore, to gain the competitive edge over them, Marriottalso need to concern on development of existing organisational structure. Critical View on Changes in management styleThrough alterations within management styles organization can opt for the better way to carry out their services.There exist different management styles such as autocratic, democratic and democratic and many others. Dependingupon needs of organizations and prevailing conditions style can be chosen. For an instance, management caninvolve employees in effectual decision making within democratic style of leadership. This will aid them to haveeffectual result, as employees will share their innovative and creative viewpoints with management, which willrender them with enhanced results. Similarly, the styles can be implemented to attain better results but might createa negative impact on employees due altering working environment.Introduction:In an organization, several internal and external factors usually affect the workingcondition of the company. If a business needs to be successful in marketplace, it is very essential tounderstand each aspect that influences the working of a firm. Once negative and positive factors arewell known by the company, measures are taken keeping in mind the situation prevailing in market.Therefore, evaluation of internal and external factors is considered as one of the major task because afirm aims at launching new strategy into market. Following are the internal and external factors thatinfluences management style of Hotel Marriott:Internal Factors Impacting upon the Management Styles:Complex business demand: Effective managers are individuals who work smart, as they are aware ofthe fact that it is the only way work at present scenario. The characteristics of effective managers are:delegate with knowledge as well as foresight, focus is on importance as well as value added tasks,boundaries of context are formulated for each individuals and they do not delegate many tasks. Theypossess wide range of knowledge, which enables them to carry out leadership in an appropriate manner.Therefore, complex business demand and aligned corporate strategy with policies are considered asmain factor that impact directly on current management style of managers of Marriott Hotel, which isbased on scientific theory. It forces managers to implement changes in business as per latest trends byintroducing new technologies at workplace. As it may lead to increase chance of workers’ conflictstherefore, to manage such situations, managers need to adopt new styles like Bureaucratic theory ofmanagement. Employees: Demand of people orientation to retain workers for longer period within dynamicenvironment of workplace, refers to another main factor that highly affect management styles ofMarriott Hotel. As per accordance with diverse nature of workplace, there is a high possibility ofdecrease in employee engagement. Therefore, managers of Marriott need to identify the factors thataffect employee retention and make changes in management style accordingly. External Factors Impacting upon Management Styles:Globalisation is considered as major that indirectly impacts upon the management style of managers ofMarriott Hotel. Hereby, as this hotel runs at international level therefore, to meet global standards, ithas to make changes in recruitment techniques, marketing styles and more by introducing newtechnologies. Therefore, to incorporate such changes, managers of respective hotel have to adoptdifferent-different management styles to meet international requirement of business. Leadership and Management for Service
Marriott Hotel: Organisational Structure_1

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