
Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Languages and Culture
COMMUNICATION BARRIERSSri Lanka is a small country island country located in South Asia. The majorpopulation is Buddhism. In recent time nation has become famous tourist spot.But after the terrorist attack Sri Lanka is not safe place for tourist. A feeling offear is developed among people. The tourist existing in country wants to gohome as soon. The attacks have negatively impacted on country economic andsocial condition. Sri Lanka is not secure for people to travel. Common challenges and barriers to effective communicationUse of Jargon WordsJargon words refers to technical words which is being used by specializeprofessor working in resort in their particular specialization subject. Nonspecialized don't know and don't use these kinds of words which lead tobreakdown the communication and it becomes communication barrier. Faulty TranslationsIn the resort, there are employees who belong to different cultures whichlead to different language (Adler, Rodman and Du Pré, 2016). When anorganisation needs to communicate with them, they take help ofTranslators. If translators are not expert with both of the languages. Thislead to wrong translations which means wrong message. Like this, faultytranslations are a communication barriers.Lack of AttentionLack of attention is also a reason behind breakdown of communication. Iflistener (employees and managers of resort) is not paying an attention to themessage of speaker (director) which lead to wrong interpretation ofStrategies for overcoming communication barriersThere are various strategies which can be used by resort in order to overcomewith the communication barriers arise in the organisation. These strategies areas follows - Provide TrainingDirector of resort can provide training to their employees and managersregarding effective communication and adoption of effective communicationskills (Fischer, Posegga and Fischbach, 2016). In this training, trainer shouldgive training to their trainees regarding verbal and nonverbal communicationskills so that both communication skills can be used in the organisationeffectively. Organize EventsDirector can organize various events in the organisation where managers andemployees of the resort can meet and communicate with each other. This leadto creation of understanding between them and they are able to communicatewith each other comfortably regarding their works. REFERENCESAdler, R.B., Rodman, G.R. and Du Pré, A., 2016.Understanding humancommunication.(Vol. 10).Oxford University Press.Fischer, D., Posegga, O. and Fischbach, K., 2016. Communicationbarriers in crisis management: A literature review.Guo, C., Yan, J. and Zhao, Y., 2018. Analysis of Barriers on Doctor-patient Communication in China.Chinese Medical Ethics,31(7), pp.845-850.Cultural influences on communication and negotiationCulture impact communication and negotiation very deeply. Culturebackground tells about the employees; communication style (both verbal andnon-verbal style) and body language which are related to the communication. Italso tells about the extent to which employees are co-operative with their co-workers and managers (Guo, Yan and Zhao, 2018). Resort is the part of Hospitality sector where diversity is much more than othersectors. Culture is one of the major aspects of this diversification. For the resortemployees, they have to take care of their guests' facilities which can be donethrough the understanding of different types of cultures. Thus, understandingthose cultures, adopting their communication and negotiation style, companycan attract their customers.
Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers Assignment_1

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