
Personal Effectiveness: Evaluating Sundar Pichai's Leadership Skills


Added on  2022-11-29

13 Pages4129 Words171 Views
Personal Effectiveness: Evaluating Sundar Pichai's Leadership Skills_1

Case Study Review......................................................................................................................................3
Apply theories and frameworks relating to personal effectiveness to provide a critical evaluation of the
skills and behaviours that Sundar Pichai has used to make him an effective global leader......................3
Reflective Statement....................................................................................................................................7
Discuss how you intend to apply personal effectiveness principles to your own development in order to
be successful in the competitive job market............................................................................................7
Books and Journal.................................................................................................................................12
Personal Effectiveness: Evaluating Sundar Pichai's Leadership Skills_2

Personal effectiveness is a concept that lays concern over the idea of individual skill and
competency enhancement so as to facilitate desirable transformation that can help the individuals
to achieve better outcomes in their personal or professional life. It focuses upon analyzing and
examining the strengths and capabilities as well as potential weakness of the individual in order
to capitalize upon the strengths and cope up with the weaknesses in a prominent manner (Iusco,
2020). It allows individuals to introspect within themselves and acquire insights in regard with
their existing potential so as to further work upon their personalities and achieve greater heights
in life. Personal effectiveness is aspects of individual development as it supports individuals to
become the best version of themselves and optimize upon the prevailing opportunity in a
proficient way. The proposed report will address the meaning and detailed concept of personal
effectiveness. It highlights upon the case study evaluation of Sundar Pichai i.e. the CEO of
Google to analyse the skills and behaviours exercised by the same in order to emerge as a
tremendous leader within the global environment. In addition to that, a reflective statement will
also be demonstrated within the report which will reflect upon the personal effectiveness
principles adopted by me for the elevation my individual growth and professional development
within the dynamic and competitive business domain.
Case Study Review
Apply theories and frameworks relating to personal effectiveness to provide a critical evaluation
of the skills and behaviours that Sundar Pichai has used to make him an effective global leader
Skills and Behaviour of Sundar Pichai
Skills can be characterised as a valuable consideration that is required within an individual so as
to complete allotted tasks provided to the same in an optimal manner. Sundar Pichai possesses
effective leadership skills which assists him to achieve excellence and brilliance in every
particular aspect. He is extremely passionate about his work and therefore he is able to guide his
subordinates and work force in the right direction which in turn has helped him to achieve great
Personal Effectiveness: Evaluating Sundar Pichai's Leadership Skills_3

success in his work domain. Moreover, the extreme assertiveness showcased by him within the
business environment is a testimony of his dedication and focus towards his work. His ability to
formulate relevant and reliable objective, persuade the organisational members to align their
focus towards the goals and ascertain the prominent results through the same has helped Sundar
Pichai to become an inspiring and path breaking leader within the global industry. It can be said
that his intellect and ability to understand the dynamics of work culture has allowed him to grow
to be such a phenomenal business leader (Agarwal and Sisodia, 2021). Millions of budding
entrepreneurs, businessmen and students seeing future into business management look up to him
for encouragement and guidance reflect upon his credibility and achievement through the years.
The integration of talented individuals from all across the globe and the facilitation of workplace
diversity is also one of the potential reasons that have facilitated Sundar Pichai to turn into a
reliable leader.
Positive Traits
Sundar Pichai is a great team player. One of his most positive traits can be characterised as his
vision to facilitate cooperative and coordinated business functions through the capitalisation of
teamwork. He even quoted in one of his statement that in order to lead effective operations he
relies upon the concept of eradicating and eliminating any potential barriers which adversely
impacts upon the teamwork (Kapoor, 2020). He also follows the concept of creating an
atmosphere wherein individual accept and collaborate with each other and are willing to perform
together so as to unify their business functions in accordance with the organisational growth.
He also gave excessive emphasis to positive and optimistic organisational culture wherein each
and every employee is provided with the great opportunity to express their views and opinions in
a deliberate manner. The flexible working environment increases the motivation and morale
within the staff members and enables them to be more productive with their work operations and
achieve higher level of productivity within the same as well. Organisational culture that is
collaborative, coordinated, open to change, effective is exercised by Sundar Pichai so as to
achieve greater level of output through the business regulation.
Sundar Pichai is an individual who is still connected and align to his roots. He came from a very
normal household and had a very simple upbringing which allows him to understand the
Personal Effectiveness: Evaluating Sundar Pichai's Leadership Skills_4

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