
Unit 502 Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training


Added on  2023-06-18

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHigher EducationTeacher DevelopmentClassroom Development
Unit 502 Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Theories, principles and models of the learning process .....................................................3
1.2 The ways in which the theories, principles and models are applied.....................................4
1.3 Models of learning................................................................................................................5
1.4 Important of identifying the individual learning preference to implement the inclusive
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Analysis of models, theories and principles of communication...........................................7
2.2 Ways in which theories, models and principles of communication applied to learning,
teaching and assignment.............................................................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Analysing the theories principles and models of assessment................................................9
3.2 Understanding the ways through which the theories, principles and models of the
assessment can applied in the learning process.........................................................................11
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Understanding the theories and models of the curriculum development............................12
4.2 Ways in which theories and models of curriculum development can be applied on teaching
Task 5.............................................................................................................................................14
5.1 Analysing the theories and models of reflection & evaluation ..........................................14
5.2 Understanding the ways under which the theories and models of reflection and evaluation
can be applied in reviewing own practices...............................................................................16
Unit 502 Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training_2

Learning theories and models are a structured set of principles that helps in order to explain the
ways in which an individual acquired, contain and recall the knowledge perception within
themselves. With the help of appropriate study and knowing varied learning theories, one can
better understand the ways in which learning occurs. Basically learning theories, principles and
models are valuable in providing two-dimensional feedback about the learner's progress and the
appropriateness of teaching and learning methods of the teachers. It provides the substance to
tutors about current abilities as well as specific requirements of learners on a continuous basis so
that further modifications can be done by them accordingly (Vasconcellos and et.al., 2020). They
are applied into tasks generates effective relationships among the context, strategies and
characteristics for better combination and most significantly gives reliable predictions of the
effectiveness of the chosen strategies. Varied styles of learning lead towards the different view
points and results in effective course of study planning.
This report will discuss the concept of theories, principles and models of learning,
communication, assessment, evaluation, curriculum and development. Apart from this, the study
will also highlight the thoughts related to the ways in which they applied to teaching, learning
and assessment.
1.1 Theories, principles and models of the learning process
Learning theory define as how student acquire the knowledge during the learning
program. It involves the cognitive, behaviourism models or required the overall experience
which plays an important role to acquire the knowledge or to retain the skills (Mezirow, 2018).
The principles for the learning are as follows-
Participation: Effective learning process involves the actively participation of the learner. It
enables the learner to develop the skills and increase the knowledge to achieve the learning
Iteration: It is the important principle which is to offer the opportunity to the learner to practice
their learning process because if they remain consistent during their course then it will be better
for their futuristic process.
Unit 502 Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training_3

Applicability: Learning process can be helpful when the materials are appropriate or applicable.
Therefore, it has to be problem centres. As learner are only willing to learn when there are
applicable materials who can solve the problem rapidly.
Process: As the main aim of the learning is to develop the understanding in the learner so that
they will utilize the knowledge in their futuristic process. Therefore, it should be positive process
of learning so that individual can improve their area or to evaluate in their career.
Feedback: feedback is the essential process it enables the learner to make improvement for their
betterment. Therefore, they can ask their colleagues, tutor for the feedback (Winstone and
Carless, 2019).
Theories or models for the learning are-
Behaviourism learning theory:
This theory based on the observation stimulation as it define that all the learners should
learn the course to interact with the environment. In such environment individual interact with
other so that there will be sharing of the information which can be beneficial for the learner.
Cognitive learning theory:
In this the learning is depended on the external or internal process. In this tutor can ask as
to reflect on themselves which allow them to find the relevant solutions, or to provide help to
student to explore to know how to develop the ideas.
Constructivism theory:
This theory enables the learner to develop the new understanding by using previous
experience of learning. In which the tutor allows the student to address their problem by using
their previous experience so that it will develop the problem solving skills in them.
1.2 The ways in which the theories, principles and models are applied
For the inclusive teaching practice it is important for the tutor to apply all the principles
and theories so that it will help them to enhance the knowledge of the learner. The ways for
applying the theories, principles and models are-
To develop the effective learning environment:
It I the foremost important part which tutor can proceed to create the environment which
involves the active participation of all the learners. Active environment enable the student to
interact with each other or to respect their cultures (Kirschner and et.al 2018). It enables the
Unit 502 Theories, Principles and Models in Education and Training_4

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