
Developing Effective Managers in the Tourism Industry


Added on  2019-12-03

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DevelopingManager 1
Developing Effective Managers in the Tourism Industry_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction .....................................................................................................................................3Task 1 ..............................................................................................................................................31.1 Comparison between different management styles ..............................................................31.2 Leadership characteristics in chosen organization ................................................................41.3 Communication process in selected organization .................................................................41.4 Organizational culture and change in selected businesses ...................................................5Task 2 ..............................................................................................................................................62.1 Own management skills ........................................................................................................62.2 Analysis of personal strength, weakness, opportunities and threats .....................................62.3 Objectives and target to develop own potential ....................................................................7Task 3 ..............................................................................................................................................83.1 Leading and motivating team to achieve desired goals and objectives ................................83.2 Managerial decision to improve performance of the team ..................................................9Task 4 ..............................................................................................................................................94.1 Role of managerial and personal skills will support career development.............................94.2 Review of current development plan ..................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................11References......................................................................................................................................122
Developing Effective Managers in the Tourism Industry_2

INTRODUCTION Managers are responsible for managing activities such as planning, organizing, staffing,directing and controlling in an organization. They play a very significant role in the success ofbusiness. Further, they assist companies to carry out their operations in effective and productivemanner. This report explains various elements which are required to develop a manager inorganization. Marriott hotel and Hilton hotel are the two firms from travel and tourism industrywhich have been selected. A comparison of different management styles adopted by the abovestated businesses is highlighted in this report. Further, communication process and leadershipstyle which have been implemented by Marriott and Hilton hotel are explained in this report. Inaddition to this, the report covers all the essential aspects of management. TASK 1 1.1 Comparison between different management styles Managers play an important role in organization and the way they handle differentsituation depends upon the style of management they have adopted. Management style can betermed as overall methods which manager implements in order to carry out different activities ofbusinesses. Marriott hotel has adopted consultative style of management in which the decisionare made for the growth and success of both employee as well as organization. In order tomaintain high morale of employee the management appreciates and encourage feedback form allits staff members. (Marriott hotel, 2015). One of the major advantage of this is that it helpsMarriott in creating high degree of loyalty among all its members. On the other hand, autocratic is the style which has been adopted by Hilton hotel. Themanager is the one which takes care of the all the decision making (Hilton hotel, 2015). Furtherthe views and suggestions from employees are not encouraged in this style of management Thedecision rather reflects the views and opinions of the manager. This style helps in making fastand effective decisions. Whereas its disadvantage is that it creates dissatisfaction among workersand also effects their entire productivity.1.2 Leadership characteristics in chosen organization Leadership characteristics explain the qualities which a leader have. Some of theleadership characteristics which a leader or manager pursue in Marriott hotel are inter personnel3
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skills, communication skills. Further they are open minded, believes in reward system and haverespect for others (Holten, Bollingtoft and Wilms, 2015). Interpersonal skills help managers andleaders in the hotel to earn trust and respect of staff members which further support them toachieve goals and objectives of hotel. In addition to this, good interpersonal skills also assistthem to maintain peace among staff members in different departments of hotel. The managementis required to adopt different leadership characteristics such as autocratic, democratic andLaissez faire. In autocratic style, the leader will be going to make all decision and the views ofworkers are not encouraged. On the other hand, participative characteristics helps a manager tocreate sense of satisfaction among employees by inviting their opinions at the time of makingdecision and strategy formation. As per Laisez faire, the leader will provide all rights and powerto the workers. Along with them they are also set free to make decision and perform the assignedtask as per their style. The leadership characteristics in Marriott is autocratic in which themanager or leader is the one which makes all the decisions. 1.3 Communication process in selected organization Communication process can be defined as process of transferring message andinformation from one person to another. It is one of the important factors in the organization.Effective communication process helps in executing the order from the top level managementand increasing productivity of employees. There are various ways of communication which canbe used by businesses in order to transfer and deliver message (Crawford and Hoffman, 2011).Different types of communication such as verbal, non-verbal and written are used byorganization according to their needs and requirements. Both Hilton hotel and Marriott usevertical and horizontal communication as per requirements. Vertical communication takes placebetween hierarchically positioned people and it also involve both downward and upwardcommunication flows in hotels. Usually, this type of communication occurs between superiorand subordinates (Proctor, 2014). The main purpose of implementing a vertical communicationsystem is to control the flow of information and decision-making in the hotel. On the other hand,when communication occurs between peers and workers at same level of organization, it istermed as horizontal communication (Courtney, Long and Hall, 2013). It is the communicationthat flows laterally within the hotels and involves employees at the same level of the hotel.4
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