
Evaluating Recent Changes in Health and Social Care Services for People with Learning Disabilities


Added on  2024-05-17

6 Pages1422 Words124 Views
STRATEGY AND CRITERIA FOR MEASURING RECENT CHANGES(P2.1).....................................................3
MEASURING THE IMPACT OF RECENT CHANGES (P2.2)..........................................................................3
THE OVERALL IMPACT OF RECENT CHANGES (P2.3)................................................................................4
PROPOSING SERVICE RESPONSES TO RECENT CHANGES(P2.4)...............................................................5
Evaluating Recent Changes in Health and Social Care Services for People with Learning Disabilities_1

It’s been a year for the people with learning disabilities living in supported accommodation and
LAD(local action for disabled) has been working to make it a success this time,and evaluating
the recent changes in health and social care services will be of great help in this case. For that it
has to be needed to devise a strategy and criteria to measure such changes and measure their
overall impact and propose different service responses to make further changes and
improvements so that the organization can work in a harmony in a positive direction.
Evaluating Recent Changes in Health and Social Care Services for People with Learning Disabilities_2

Transition from residential to supported living is difficult and often resisted. A lot of factors are
needed to be taken into consideration.The criteria for measuring such changes completely
depends upon how smoother the transition is made by meticulous assessment of an
individual’s needs and how the people with learning disabilities ,the people involved and the
organization as a whole are benefited and whether the organization is meeting the national
objectives (White, et al., 2010). Tofulfilthese criteriathe best strategy for measuring the changes
would be the feedbacks and comments from the users of the services as these are the people
who are actually experiencing the change and an inspection on a regular basis for comparing
the changes in the quality of life. The feedback can be in form of a questionnaire including the
main queries about the lifestyle changes in the residential homes with that of the one in
supported accommodation in this one year; the challenges faced by the staff working with the
organization; the quality of work offered by the organization; about the qualification of the staff
that whether they are skilled enough to work with these challenged people; the quality of life
which can be reflected by the behavioural changesand the mental attitudes of the people with
learning disabilities and the staff associated with them (de Heer-Wunderink, et. al., 2012). This
strategy would help to know the views directly from the people on how exactly their lives have
been affected and thus, reducing the possible chances of bias, if any.The efforts done in this
direction enables the organization to measure the changes occurring efficiently.
Any change if implemented gives us either a positive or a negative result depending upon how
favourable the outcomes are. The impact of recent changes on the health and social care
services is measured against the above mentioned criteria. The devised strategy and the criteria
help in the impact measurement of any change instituted. The impact measurement of this
change implemented by LAD is not a quantitative one, here, it is a qualitative phenomenon. The
feedback and comments from the associated people which includes the people with learning
Evaluating Recent Changes in Health and Social Care Services for People with Learning Disabilities_3

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