
Internet Marketing Project


Added on  2020-12-10

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Internet Marketing Project_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Elements of internet marketing.............................................................................................11.2 Internet marketing mix..........................................................................................................21.3 Compare internet marketing tools.........................................................................................41.4 Determine the work of interactive order processing.............................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 State the different mechanics of search engine marketing....................................................72.2 E-Mail Marketing Newsletter...............................................................................................72.3 State the guidelines that depicts better online public relation...............................................82.4 State the use of digital media communities...........................................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................93.1 Conduct secondary market research......................................................................................93.2 Design an online survey......................................................................................................113.3 State the use of electronic customer relationship marketing(E-CRM) (Poster)..................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................144.1 Prepare an outline of internet marketing plan for Smart Restoration Limited....................144.2 Brief about Pay-Per Click Advertisement(PPC) (PPT)......................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17.......................................................................................................................................................18
Internet Marketing Project_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is the sector which deals with interacting with consumer in deliveringknowledge about product and services. As there are modifications taking place in product andservices, so this is responsibility of marketing department to convey correct information. Butthese days marketing is also performed through internet mediums (Auger and et. al., 2015).There are many sources such as social media, mobile application, e- brochure, etc. are used.These are time savy and can access 24*7. These approaches are good because they cover largenumber of customers at a time. Through internet marketing there is use of techniques which iseffectve and significant for organisational growth and this is effective for analysing market andaccording policies are farmed (Auger and et. al., 2015). This report is based on SmartRestorations Limited which is small business deals in buying and selling official furniture. Theywants to promote their brand through internet mediums. In this report there is discussion aboutconcept of marketing through internet media, use of internet for promotion, marketing researchto support customer relationship management, designing of Internet marketing plan. TASK 11.1 Elements of internet marketingDefinition of digital marketing- Digital marketing means to market product and services with the help of digital medium.There is use of internet which helps to perform marketing actions in more specific way. There isuse of some various internet channels such as social media applications, search enginemarketing, display advertising, etc. Definition of e-commerce and e-businessE- commerce- E- commerce means performing business with the help of internetmedium. In these activities, Smart Restorations Limited sell and buy their products wit the helpof internet mediums. In this information and ideas are also transferred with the help of internet. E- marketing- E- marketing means to market products with the help of online sources.This is the latest techniques which is essential for knowing what changes can be made inbusiness operations more effective and interactive (Chaston, 2015). This is important for SmartRestorations Limited to adopt internet marketing which help to compete with competitors andcreate good image in market. Advertisement are also performed through internet sources.
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Internet micro- and macro-environmentMicro environment- There are many changes taking place in business environment sothere are some elements which are directly related with business and this affects businessoperations. In micro environment following factors are included- market place, customers, buyerbehaviour, competitor, supplier, intermediatory, etc. These factors are in control of managers ofSmart Restorations Limited (Fjell, 2010). Macro environment- In this factors which are not in control of managers are considered.It is important to know what can be done through which Smart Restorations Limited can performbusiness operations in effective and significant way. In this following factors are included-Social, Legal and ethical, Technological, economical, political factors (Rodriguez, Dixon andPeltier, 2014). Due to change in such factors manager has to modify their decisions. Benefits of internet marketing Smart Restorations Limited has to use internet market to promote their services inindustry. There are various benefits of internet market. Some of them are discussed as under-Reach and scope- Through internet marketing there is fast reachability to customers.Scope of internet marketing is also more as it helps to market product and services with fastspeed. Immediacy and Interactivity- Internet market is fastest source to convey informationabout furniture to consumers. As many changes taking place in business operations so it can beimmediately deliver to consumer. Targeting- As Smart Restorations Limited deals in buy and sell of official furniture,hence through internet medium target consumer can be connected through them . This helps toincrease sales and profits (Isa and Wong, 2015). Adaptive- These days internet sources are highly adapted in every field. It is important towork according to market trends and hence image of Smart Restorations Limited can beimproved. 1.2 Internet marketing mixMarketing is not easy there is us of various approaches through which managers of SmartRestorations Limited can communicate with consumers (Chaston, 2015). There are manychanges which are taking place in marketing department so managers of Smart Restorations
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Limited can use marketing mix. Marketing mix of Smart Restorations Limited is discussed asunder- Product: Smart Restorations Limited deals in buy and sell of official furniture. It isimportant to product furniture as per customer demand and at time (Fjell, 2010). There will useof techniques which is effective for maintaining product life cycle, quality of product, etc. Thishelps to increase goodwill as well as profits. Brand can be known by using good onlinemarketing strategies. Place: Customer might ask to deliver furniture at specific location. In this case managersof Smart Restorations Limited must use appropriate channel through which product can bedeliver on time. It is important to keep safety measure in mind (Joseph, Cook and Cook, 2015). Price: As Smart Restorations Limited deals in renovation of furniture, so it is essential tokeep price factor in mind. Marketing measure must be use sources through which price can bemaintained and this helps to make good image in market.Promotions: Promotion is also essential for promoting brand in market. Internetmarketing is one of the effective technique which help to perform business operations ineffective manner (Isa and Wong, 2015). People: People are most important component in market. As Smart Restorations Limitedwants to promote their brand through internet market, so it is essential to promote and motivateemployees to work with latest technology and satisfy customers. Processes: There is use of some specific process which is important for satisfaction ofcustomers. This process must be less time consuming and it helps to satisfy customers. Theremust be proper communication, so processing time can be reduced. Physical evidence: This is the last element of marketing mix. There must be someelements which helps to promote brand of Smart Restorations Limited (Joy and McMunigal,2013). Managers of Smart Restorations Limited must launch online website which must beframed according to target consumers. This helps to promote brand image.
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1.3 Compare internet marketing toolsDigital marketing tools/e-tools Marketing can be performed with various measures. But there is requirement of properplanning which help to convey message in proper and effective way. There are possibilities thatdue to selection of wrong measure marketing can not be performed in proper way (Kwon, 2011).There is discussion about some marketing tools which help to convey message in appropriateway. They are discussed as under-DifferentTools Aims Usage AccessibilityConvenienceCost Email-Marketing This is apersonalmeans tomarketproduct, asmail areforward topersonal mailIdofcustomers. SmartRestorationsLimited can usethis measurewhen they arecoming withsome ininnovation intheir productand it has to beconveyed tolarger numberof people. Email-Marketing canbe accessibleanywhere butthere must beavailability ofinternetconnect andmail Id. This is lessconvenienceas there arepossibilitiesthat consumerway ignoremail. E- mailmarketing isless costlymeans. Social Media This is thenew meanthrough whichmanagers ofSmartRestorationsLimitedthrough whichthey canInnovationsmade inbusinessoperations canbe performedwith the help ofSocial media. Inthis Facebook,Instagram,This source iseffective forpeople whohave accountson social mediasites. This is bestmethod toconveyproductinformation toconsumer.Many peoplecan becommunicatedThis iseconomicalmethodwhich isimportantsource fortellinginformationabout
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