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Marketing Mix Analysis: Chevrolet


Added on  2020/07/22

AI Summary
This assignment requires an in-depth analysis of Chevrolet's marketing mix strategy. Students should evaluate the company's market segmentation, targeting, positioning, product offering, pricing strategy, distribution channels, promotional activities, and customer service (people) for their vehicles. The analysis should be based on the provided sources including 'Marketing Mix Of Chevrolet' and other relevant materials from textbooks and scholarly articles like those by Gummesson & Mele (2010), Jones (2010), Krishna & Schwarz (2014), and Palmer (2012). The assignment aims to assess students' understanding of marketing principles, application of the 4Ps/7Ps framework, and critical thinking in evaluating real-world marketing strategies.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Use of marketing technique to market product .....................................................................1
P2 Limitations & constraints of marketing.................................................................................5
P3 Use of market research in developing market plan................................................................6
P4 Market planning for JD sport.................................................................................................7
P5 Reasons to target customers..................................................................................................8
P6 Development of coherent marketing mix for new product or service...................................9
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Marketing refers to the set of activities, processes and institutions for developing,
communicating, delivering & exchange offerings that have some value for consumers, partners,
society and clients. Marketing includes four elements, that is, product, price, promotion, place.
Product refers to physical goods or service, place is the area where goods are purchased, price is
a amount that customers willing to pay for product and promotion includes communication tools
that are used by company in order to convey message to customers in effective manner
(Armstrong and et. al., 2011). Marketing consist of inbound as well as outbound activities.
Inbound acts emphasise on identifying needs and demands of potential customers whereas
outbound activities consist of all aspects of communicating customers that product is available.
In the present assignment, given company is Amazon which is an American cloud computing &
electronic commerce firm located in Washington, US.
P1 Use of marketing technique to market product
Ansoff matrix administers 4 growth strategies. These are used by the company in order to
increase their market share & find rapid growth. These strategies are as follows:
Market penetration: It is a strategy related with selling more to existing customer base of brand.
The company entered into market as book seller & now become a largest retailer (Atwal and
Williams, 2017). Firm set its foothold as known bookseller in market and it later introduced
various other goods too which can bought online. In this way, Amazon grow its presence in
market. Today, millions of products the company sells & this product line constantly grow with
entry of more suppliers in its system.
Market development:
It means selling the similar goods or services in new market and to new consumers.
Amazon had launched by Jeff Bezos out of his garage. Now, it has grown into international
company. Some nations like, North America, United Kingdom and Germany are main
strongholds of firm. Its presence is continued to grow globally. The company sharply increased
its existence in Asian countries in recent years by spending more on advertising & marketing.
Product development:
In order to increase its market presence, Amazon emphasized on product development.
Fire phone is also introduced by company apart from kindle (Babin and Zikmund, 2015).
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However, kindle was very popular but fire could not be successful. Firm used product
development in this way to grow their market share.
Initiating from book seller, the firm has grown now into a brand which offers diverse
range of products and services (Bhattacharya, 2010). It competes today with Google, Apple and
Netflix. Amazon is not only a online retailer but it administer streaming videos and web services.
Their web services is a cloud platform which renders 90 services or more and is constantly
introducing new functionality and features. In this way, firm continued to diversify in new fields
in order to grow its market share and brand.
Survival strategies:
Survival strategies are rational or logical pattern that is implemented to overcome
challenges in order to gain sustainability in existing business surroundings. Amazon use survival
strategies for maintaining its position in market. These assists the company in-
Managing expectations of stakeholders and in balancing their conflicts.
It assist in eliminating potential challenges that obstruct the achievement of success.
Supports in comparing the company with best level therefore, show the need to enhance
performance in order to stay above competition (Chaffey, Smith and Smith, 2013).
These strategies makes SWOT crystal; assist in overcoming weaknesses by using strengths,
shows opportunities that are available in surroundings of business so as to use them. Survival
strategies use by Amazon are:
Price: Amazon frequently change their prices. During holiday seasons, the company
impose offers on products which attracts customers more to purchase product from Amazon.
Stay updated on competition: As there are many competitors of Amazon in market, the
firm always stay updated about the pricing of their competitor's products. When competitors
drop prices on products, Amazon also set their product prices on that basis. A
Innovation: It is the major reason behind success of firm. The company brings
innovation on regular basis in the form of new products and services. Kindle and fire phone are
the good example of successful innovation of Amazon.
Brand awareness
Brand awareness is defines as an extent to which consumers are able to recognize a
brand. It is a degree to which customer associate brand with particular product. It involves brand

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recognition and brand recall. Amazon use various promotional channels in order to create brand
awareness among their potential customers (Dahlén, Lange and Smith, 2010). It includes social
media, sponsorship, advertisement etc. all these assist the company in creating a good image of
brand in minds of customers.
Relationship marketing:
Relationship marketing is an aspect of customer relationship management that emphasize
on customer engagement and loyalty for long term rather than short term goals such as
individual sales and customer acquisition. The main aim behind relationship marketing of
Amazon is to develop strong customer connections with brand that can lead the business towards
growth. It includes improvement in internal operations. Relationship marketing help Amazon in
maintaining a strong customer base and gaining their loyalty (DesJardins, 2011).
Transactional marketing:
Transactional marketing is a strategy used by businesses that emphasize on single, "point
of sale" transactions. Amazon's main aim behind using this strategy is to maximize the volume
and efficiency of individual sales instead of creating a relationship with customers. This
approach is based on 4 traditional marketing elements which are, product, price, place and
b) Marketing techniques used by Halesowen college to market their services
It is a college for above school leaving age students which is located in Halesowen, West
Midlands. It was established in year 1966 and provides an excellent learning surroundings to
students. The college offer exceptional opportunities and support for students making the
transformation from school to high education or career of their choice. It has six key values, i.e.,
learning, partnership, commitment, standards, respect and trust. The institution is committed to
promoting and safeguarding welfare of children as well as young people and also works with
other agencies in partnership when there are concerns related to welfare of child. College seeks
to promote diversity and equality & prevention of discrimination in activities (Fullerton, 2010).
It provides various facilities to students such as well equipped laboratories, modern beauty
salons, learning resource centres etc. Some additional supports are also provided by college
including -
Financial Support
College ID Cards
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Student absence
Council tax certificate
Exam payments
NUS cards
Car park passes
Other benefits that are available to students include:
Free Express bus services
Discounted Hair and Beauty Salon treatments
The Halesowen Foundation
Free text books
Free printing
Free access to variety of student services
All these facilities and benefits are provided by college in order to attract large number of
students towards college. A new plan of institution up to year 2020 increases emphasis on
rendering innovative path for students using new technology alongside modern approaches to
teaching, assessment and learning in meeting priorities that are set by Local Enterprise
Partnership and government (Gbadamosi, 2013). The strategies used by Halesowen college are:
Core strategies:
Deliver most extended range of quality 14-25 progression and learning opportunities.
Inclusive & innovative learning, Lead in diverse, teaching and assessment. Drive strong cooperative learning partnerships in order to meeting the requirements of
education, community and economy.
Enabling strategies:
A brand and reputation as outstanding institution of choice which leads local learning
(Gummesson and Mele, 2010).
Ensure financial stability and strength to deliver superior resources and facilities.
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Be an ideal employer recognized for the most committed, capable and caring staff.
P2 Limitations & constraints of marketing
Limitations & constraints are those factors which works as resource that are working at
its full ability. It restricts a firm from attaining its potential (Jones, 2010). At the time, when
customer buy products and services, there are some laws which are formulated by government in
order to protect them. Some of these limitations and constraints are as follows:
Sale of goods legislation act, 1979
Main aim of formulating this act is to safeguard customers by ensuring that products
offered for sale are safe & meet quality standards to make them appropriate for their intended
utilization. This act provides legal right to company to sell its products and services to
customers. Amazon insure that their goods are good and acceptable for all customers. This law
states that any goods sold should be appropriate for use. For instance, this act is breached by
Tesco when they sold meat labelled as beef.
Trade description act:
This act prevents service industry providers, manufacturers and retailers from misleading
customers (Krishna and Schwarz, 2014). This legislation empowers judiciary to penalise
individuals or companies who made false claims regarding products and services they sell. It
means that it must be ensured by the organisation that goods they sell are truthful and define the
product appropriately, as any information they provide may be misleading. For instance: Tesco
was providing a discount on one of its product which was advertised by posters. Once lower
price product has ran out, stores start to replace it with regular priced stock. Administrator failed
to take signs down & consumer was charged at high price. In this way, company breached trade
description act.
Consumer credit act, 1974:
This act regulates credit card purchases and gives protection when enters into hire
agreement or loan. It regulates consumer hire agreements and credit. It ensures that agreements
involves store cards, hire purchase agreements, personal loans and credit cards (Levens, 2010).
For example, a person bought an item and for this they pay some amount as deposit on credit

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card in order to ensure extra protection. At the time when company went bust, card firm was
asked for cash back.
Data protection act, 1998:
This act is put into place in order to protect the data or information that is stored in
computer. For example, if company has information related to customer then this act ensures that
information can not be shared with anyone (Malhotra and Malhotra, 2012).
Voluntary codes of advertising practice:
ASA maintains and promotes sales of marketing, codes of advertising and direct marketing.
There are some rules that firms should follow when marketing:
Keep within legal framework.
Protect consumers from misleading claims.
Develop even footing for advertisers.
It is important that firms are being legal, honest, truthful and decent when advertisement and
must ensure to keep best interest of society and consumer.
Pressure groups: These are the firms which campaign for law changes. They are known
for having strong impact on public opinion & who they select to vote for.
Consumerism: It is a social movement which enables customers to have some power
over business.
P3 Use of market research in developing market plan
Market Research is an activity which is used in order to gather information about needs
and preferences of customers. It administers opportunities to company for developing such
products that satisfy needs and demands of customers in effective way. It is a systematic process
of collecting and analysing data about specific target market, environment and competition.
Market research allows JD Sports in developing their target marketing strategy (McKenzie-
Mohr, 2011). It provides assistance to manager of company in formulating effective marketing
plan that administers them direction in their future course of action. This plan can enhance sales
of firm and increase customer satisfaction. Research can be utilized to study ideas of new
products, its performance and market position. It also assist in measuring customer service
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satisfaction of JD sports. It is very important for an organisation to conduct market research in
order to grow and sustain in market. It is a collection of feedback of customers regarding goods
and services of company (Molesworth, Scullion and Nixon, 2010). In this market research,
company conduct a survey and gather data by using questionnaires and other sources. This data
is collected from customers in order to know about their choices and preferences regarding
products and services of customers. All these informations help manager in developing effective
marketing plan. This plan includes various strategies that are implemented by company. It
provides competitive advantage to JD sports over their competitors. Effective marketing plan
assist firm in communicating value and benefits of their products to customers in proper way.
This will help in attracting large group of customers towards goods of firm. The major reasons
behind conducting market research is that-
It assist in identifying new customers.
Helps in understanding existing customers.
Set targets of business (Morrison, 2013).
Help in developing new and effective strategies.
Facilitates in solving complex business issues.
Assists in determining areas of possible business expansion.
Helps in identifying new business opportunities.
P4 Market planning for JD sport
PEST Analysis:
This analysis helps the firm in finding out opportunities & threats that are present in
environment. It includes-
Social - Change in social trend can influence on demand of JD sports goods and services
like potential companies and substitute products with differentiating strategy. If other firm
penetrates market with break through strategy, it might cause decline in sports wear trend.
Technological: By the use of latest technologies, new processes and products can create
which affect JD business. Positive trend in technology can assist JD in improve quality, lead
innovation and reducing cost of their services (Nath, Nachiappan and Ramanathan, 2010).
Economical: This factor put major impact on JD behaviour. Inflation in economy may
provoke high wage demand by workforce and will increase company cost.
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Political: These issues are tax rates, trade barriers and alignments set by government.
Changes in these factors influence JD in various ways (Palmer, 2012).
SWOT Analysis of JD sport:
Strengths Weaknesses
Assistance from well known or leading
sports brand.
Differentiation of JD sport brand.
Net cash balance sheet
Weather sensitivity
Outdoor currently loss making
Fashion susceptibility
Opportunities Threats
Further acquisitions
Overseas rollout of JD
Develop online sales
Rise in competitive activity
Increase in interest rates
Margin pressure from discount pricing
Objectives of JD Sports:
To increase customer base and gain their loyalty.
To administer high quality goods and services to customers so that they are satisfied.
To increase sales and market share by 20%.
P5 Reasons to target customers
Market segmentation refers to the process of dividing consumer market into
homogeneous subgroups (Peter and Donnelly, 2011). It is a very common strategy used by
marketing managers in order to break down large group of target audience into smaller one. The
major reason behind segment market is -
To satisfy customer needs and demands in better way by segmenting customers in
different groups.
To communicate information related to product and services in better way to specific
target segments.
It provides an opportunity to company for growth and sustainability.

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Segmentation is also done for the purpose of earning high profits and capture large
market share (Proctor, 2014).
Increased innovation is also one of the reason of doing segmentation by firms.
Six different types of target groups selected for Rolex are as follows:-
Age – In this step, the target market is selected on the basis of age of the customers. So, in case
of Rolex watches, it is normally preferred by people who are young in age as their designs
are also related to them only.
Gender - Sometimes a product is also differentiated on the basis of gender. In case of Rolex,
their main products are designed for males and female designs are hardly seen.
Income – It is one of the important factor which helps in targeting the product in the market.
Rolex is a brand whose watches are extremely costly and cannot be afforded by middle class
people (Scully and et. al., 2012).
Religion - Since each country are having different religion so the companies who are doing
business their will have to make sure that they do not hurt anyone's sentiments. Therefore,
Rolex will have to make their policies according to the country they are working in and their
religion as well.
Geographical Location – It is very important for the company to make sure that their products
are being kept in correct locations so that it can be sold effectively. Rolex will also try to
open their stores at those locations where there are more no. of sellers.
Family size – Sometimes there are several products which are sold in family size as well. Rolex
is also having some of their products which is coming in various sizes (Market
segmentation, 2017).
P6 Development of coherent marketing mix for new product or service
Marketing mix- There is important role marketing in today's era. There are possibilities that
manager may not perform marketing function in better way so this affects business. Marketing
mix can be defined as marketing techniques which helps in achieving business objectives and
increase sales (Sheth and Sisodia, 2015).
There is use of lot of cars in Fast and Furious, such as- Chevrolet Camaro Z28, Nissan
Skyline GT-R R34, Dodge Challenger SRT-8, etc. Chevrolet is the company which has good
image in market but as scope of auto-mobile industry is increasing so competition is also high.
Core competitors of Chevrolet are Skoda, Toyota, Ford, etc. In this there is marketing mix of
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Chevrolet Camaro Z28 which is used in movie very frequently and this is car with 4*4 gears, this
is best for off road side. This car was launched in 1911 with good backup and efficient body to
bear different hardships.
4 P's of marketing mix are as follows-
Product: Chevrolet is brand which deals in cars of every kind. This brand has feature of
comfort and quality. For low budget they have cares of small size which is in approach of
common man. Main models of Chevrolet are- Tavera, Cruze, Spark, etc. There is requirement of
various different modifications in product so consumer get satisfy and do not switch to other
competitive brand (Marketing Mix Of Chevrolet – Chevrolet Marketing, 2018).
Price: This is the brand which is suitable for comfort as well as it is cheap for pocket
also. There is low maintenance cost up to some extent. This is the company which has product
for every kind of consumer and this increase brand image of Chevrolet. They have different
strategy regarding price as per season. They deals in various parts of world so they consider
culture and environmental factors also while setting price.
Place – The Chevrolet brand id headquartered in Detroit, Michigen , U.S. It is doing their
operations in more than 140 countries and they are also considered strong in terms of their
distribution network and that is why they are being chosen by the customers most of the time.
The products which are made by them is easily accessible to the people as they are having their
stores all around the world. They are also providing ease to the customers in buying the cars
from the multiple dealers available across the nation.
Promotion – It is a very important activity which is required to be conducted by every
company so as to promote their products in the market. Chevrolet is having tie-ups with some of
the best advertising agencies from where they are getting their cars promoted all around the
world. Featuring the car in fast and furious is also an advertising stunt. The company is making
use of some of other methods as well like online ads , print media, social media etc. they are also
providing various kinds of offers to the customers so as to induce them to buy the products of the
company (Skålén and Hackley, 2011). They are providing 1 year of insurance free to their
customers. Sometimes they are also doing digital marketing to make their product famous in the
market. SWOT analysis determines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of company.
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It has been concluded from the above assignment that marketing techniques plays an vital
role in the working operations of business. Further in changing dynamic environment changes
are coming in market at rapid speed so in order to remain sustain in market company required to
make alteration in their working environment. Amazon is one the famous online organisation in
which different promotion tools are used in order to enhance sales and profit of company.
Various marketing tools like advertising, exhibition and roadshows are used in order to increase
market share and goodwill of company. Market research helps the company in developing
effective marketing plan which facilitates managers in deciding future course of action.

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Books and journals
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