
Assignment | Leadership and Management


Added on  2021-02-20

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Assignment | Leadership and Management_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager.........1P2 Examine the role of a leader and the function of a manager in different situational contexts.....................................................................................................................................................3P3 Different theories and models of approach of leadership......................................................4P4 Key approaches to operations management and role of leader and manger play..................5P5 Importance and value of operational management in achieving business gaols andobjectives.....................................................................................................................................7P6 factors that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders andmanagers.....................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Assignment | Leadership and Management_2

INTRODUCTIONLeadership and management play a very important role in an organisation. Leadership isa quality of influencing people and management is a discipline to manage things in best possiblemanner (Renz, 2016). Leaders and mangers work primary objective is to achieve organisationgoal by motivating people of organisation to work enthusiastically. Leader and manager work tobuild trust and control activities of employee so that all employee work to achieve commonobjective. Chosen company for this report is Mark and Spencer. This company is founded in1884 by Michael mark and Thomas Spencer. This is multinational retail sector company andheadquarters are in Westminster, London. Mark and Spencer is specialised in selling high qualityclothing, home products and food products. In this report detail study of leadership andmanagement is conducted. Understanding about different role and function of leader andmanager in organisation. Characteristics, behaviour of leaders and manager which conducteffective functioning of chosen company.P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager.Leaders and managers both have different characteristic and role in an organisation whichleads to achievement of Mark and Spencer objectives. This company follows flat organisationstructure with few level, where roles and responsibilities is equally divided between employees. ManagerManager is a person is organisation who is responsible for controlling and administratingorganisation functions as well as employees of company. Managers are expert in their fields andsupport staff of their department.Roles of managerInterpersonal role – Manager of Mark and Spencer has to play various role in companyas they have to deal with social and legal responsibilities. (Goetsch and Davis, 2014)Manager have to provide proper direction to employee and they are network ofcommunication with internal and external contacts.Informational role – It include monitoring information related to organisation andcommunicates useful information in company is role of Mark and Spencer manager.They are representatives and speakers of organisation. Characteristics of manager1
Assignment | Leadership and Management_3

Knowledge – manager must have relevant knowledge about their working. Manager canonly be able to direction to employees when they have understanding and knowledgeabout organisational needs as well as how to achieve objective of company. Confidence - Marks and Spencer managers have confidence in their ability, experienceand decisions. By confidence managers will able to provide inspiration to team members.Leader Leader is a person who leads or command group of people in organisation (McCaffery,2018). Leaders of Mark and Spencer company influence employees towards achievement oforganisation goal. Leaders are in charge to convince people and inspires them to follow actions.Role of LeaderInspire and motivate – Major role of leader in Mark and Spencer is to motivate andinspire employees in such a way that all employees work effectively and efficiently toachieve company objectives.Sharing vision – Leaders share organisation vision to employees so that they work withcommon vision. Leaders direct individual and dedicate entire team to achieve visionCharacteristics of leaderCreative – Creativity is a quality of leaders that helps them to achieve objective ineffective and efficient way (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). Leaders must developcreative plan and procedure for inspiring followers.Positive attitude - Mark and Spencer leader have positive attitude in them. Positiveattitude help leader to deal with difficult situation and get solution for problem. Leaderswith positive attitude inspire other also.Comparison between role and characteristic of leaders and managerBasisManagerLeaderRolesManagers role is to control riskfor organisation benefits.Leaders are risk taker andwilling to try new things.CharacteristicManagers build system andprocesses for company bydirecting employeesLeaders grow and developtraits and skills of peoplepersonally by guiding them.Difference between management and leadership:2
Assignment | Leadership and Management_4

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