
Leadership and Management Theories


Added on  2020-02-05

16 Pages5354 Words64 Views
Managing and Leadingpeople1
Leadership and Management Theories_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Management and leadership............................................................................................................3Role of leader and manager for Starbucks' effectiveness............................................................4Leader vs. manger........................................................................................................................5Critical evaluation of management and leadership concepts.......................................................6Models for leadership and management..........................................................................................7Evaluate the relationship between the line manager, leader and HR representative inmanagement of people...............................................................................................................11HR representative in managing people......................................................................................13Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................14REFERENCE.................................................................................................................................152
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INTRODUCTIONManagement and leadership are key activities of any organization to create attractivebusiness profile. These are approaches that play crucial role in preparing strategic plans andcreating balance for transaction of products adequately. The present report is based onunderstanding different approaches of management and leadership of Starbucks. It is worldfamous wide spread public limited company of UK that provides coffee and sandwiches tomillion customers worldwide. There is around 23000 workers perform for effectiveness of entity.In this regard, professionals management styles and techniques regarding entity's development isto be determined. However, through this study, learner can learn various methods forestablishing relationship between manager and leader. In addition to this, different leadershiptheories and method for proper management of business organization is to be recognized. Itrepresents HR role for managing employees to create positive environment of firm. MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIPManagement is a concept for systematic planning procedures and controlling overorganization's activities. In accordance to this, manager of Starbucks analyses current position offirm, makes plans, organizes and monitors over business activities. Therefore, planningprocedures for transaction of goods including quality services of business entity is performed bymanager of firm. In addition to this, for reaching out set target and implementing efficiency offirm leader plays vital role at workplace. It influences performances and proper role model ofemployees for increasing productivity and profitability of coffee shop. Further, for managing andleading people manager as well leader are essentials for company's creating growing reputationin market. According to Courtney and et.al. (2015) Management is key element for Starbucks'increasing efficiency including transaction of goods and services and quality services of coffeeshop. Moreover, there are different departments' manager presents their effective performancefor overall business entity's development. For instance; marketing manager, production, HR,manager for reducing risk. Thus, coordination of all departments is vital for managing businessactivities at high level. In accordance to this, several departments managers formulate strategies,implement and evaluate plans to overcome issues occurs in entity. Proper working performances3
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of professionals lead to increase quality services of coffee products. Moreover, managerimplements action plan for developing profit earning capacity of firm with customer satisfaction.It impacts on demand for products and also influences market position regarding quality servicesof Starbucks. Including this, entire development of organization is obtained by making businessactivities action oriented. Different strategies are applied by managers of firm for increasing productivity andcreating balance between production and distribution system of organization. As per the views ofBloxham, Ehrich and Iyer (2015) optimum utilization of resources and decisions are made bymanagers for systematic business approach of coffee products. Hence, management concept iskey component for increasing product value of entity in market, satisfactory items lead toincreasing in demand for goods and services. It increases strength to face competition andmaking valuable position in global market. Leadership is an activity of organization to overcome issues occurs at workplace. Underleadership concept, leader of firm builds team of members and further sets goal to accomplishtask. It includes job performance related to encouraging workers for coordination in group withmotivation, analyzing employees' performances, creating coordination in organization'seffectiveness. In opinion of Bolman and Deal (2014) leadership is useful for personal andprofessional development of employees as well helpful for making atmosphere of Starbucksmore positive. In this regard, leader of firm sets target for team building and expects employees'good contribution for accomplishing task. Therefore, through coordination and supportive role ofall team members leader get succeed for qualitative services of Starbucks. In equivalent views of Bolman and Deal (2014) leader plays crucial role for obtainingbetter quality services of coffee shop as well valuable for personal and professional developmentof workers. It influences positive working environment as well helpful for entire growth of entityeffectively. In this regard, leadership is a systematic approach for proper management andimplementation of business activities. Including this, coordination of leader and managerremains vital for developing quality products and existence of entity in market.Role of leader and manager for Starbucks' effectivenessManager and leader of organization are valuable job performer for development of firm.Their effective role influences quality services and positive atmosphere of coffee shop. In this4
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