
Business Model Analysis and Management


Added on  2020-07-22

22 Pages5117 Words115 Views
Managing Successful Business
Business Model Analysis and Management_1

Table of ContentsTopic: Digitalisation affects business actions and activities. ................................3INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................3PART 1............................................................................................................................................4Project Definition...................................................................................................................4Problem Statement..................................................................................................................4Project Strategy......................................................................................................................4Project Objectives...................................................................................................................5Performance, Cost, and Time Objectives...............................................................................5Deliverables............................................................................................................................7Project Scope Statement.........................................................................................................7Success Criteria......................................................................................................................9Project Assumptions...............................................................................................................9IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.................................................................................................9Communication plan .............................................................................................................9TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10P4 Research by using methodology.....................................................................................10M2: Project Log Book..........................................................................................................12TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................13P5 Evaluation of project outcomes.......................................................................................13P6 Recommendations...........................................................................................................20P7 Reflection on research.....................................................................................................21CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................21REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................22
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Topic:Digitalisation affects business actions and activities. INTRODUCTIONTo run a business in a successful manner, firm keeps on making projects so that desiredtargets can get achieved. Management takes initiatives that include aims or objectives, research,actions and so on. To sustain at marketplace for a longer period of time, management formulatesplans which helps them to understand all the trends and technologies that are coming in theworld which may aid them in making favourable conditions in near future. The Elm Tree Hotelwhich is located in Llandudno, Wales has been undertaken in this report. They are lookingforward to bring digitalisation into their operations and for this, they have to make aims andobjectives. Assignment will put light on project management plan so that operational activitiescould be done in a proper way (Crane and Matten, 2016). Apart from this, a questionnaire isgoing that will assist in making effective decisions. Along with this, recommendations will helpin making better determinations so that desired goals can get attain right on time.
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PART 1Project DefinitionA project is stated as the operations which are executed with the help of the statedbusiness aims and objectives. The activities have to be carried out in the specific time that havebeen allotted to them so that business goals can be achieved. The main of the project is linkedwith determining the set of requirement in which the project operations will be carried out.In this century, whole scenario of doing business has got changed. This happenedbecause of digital technology that took place of many activities which is being done by a human.With the help of this, consumers started using their products and services in more percentage thatthey were doing before.Problem StatementDigitalisation process can aid an organisation in different ways like promoting goodsthrough online media, storing important data and information on storage devices and so on. TheElm Tree Hotel that is providing their services to localities, tourists and business people throughmany ways. They have hundreds of employees who are continuously serving clients of The ElmTree Hotel. But, it has been located that situations come up where issues and conflicts take placeat workstation among staff members (Pinto, 2015). Thus, it is essential to have propercommunicating system at workplace. By this, desired revenues will get generated.Project StrategyIt has been analysed that management should keep on researching market areas and afterdoing this, effective determinations should be made so that profitability and productivity can getenhanced. By implementing digitalisation at workplace, it can give great opportunities tosuperiors through which they will start achieving their aims and objectives. Products or serviceswhich are being made by looking at needs and wants of consumers may aid The Elm Tree Hotelto improve its goodwill in front of society (Schaltegger and Wagner eds., 2017). Along with this,proper and updated tools of technology can help The Elm Tree Hotel to pull huge number ofclients. But at the same time promotion is also necessary of all the services that they are offeringto world. Here, promoting them on social sites which is being mostly used by people all over
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globe is very helpful in nature. Along with this, digitalisation also gives advantages incompetitive market if it is being adapted at right time. In modern era, most of companies aretaking use of digital technology in all the departments by which stress from manpower is gettingreduced and it is also saving cost for them. With the help of this, profit margins are getting raisedof organisations. The Elm Tree Hotel is a hotel which is doing business at small level. They are trying tobring digital technology in every single section so that they can earn more profit else they maylose their position at marketplace (Pekuri and et. al., 2014). This assignment is made to betterunderstand about digitalisation so that The Elm Tree Hotel can improve its goodwill and brandimage in front of social people.Aim: To apply digital methodologies into business so that all they will attain sustainability atmarketplace – A case study on The Elm Tree Hotel Project ObjectivesAdapt digitalisation in proper way so that better position can be gained at marketplace.To evaluate the use of digitalisation for maintaining sustainability of company in thesociety.To determine about goals and objectives so that favourable conditions can be created byProject Questions: Why it is essential to implement digitalisation in business activities? How digital technology can be used so that business will get raise? What are the results regarding research which The Elm Tree Hotel can obtain by digitaltechnology implementation?Performance, Cost, and Time ObjectivesTo attain desired aims, goals and objectives, it is mandatory for a researcher to formulatea plan (Peters, Blohm and Leimeister, 2015). With the help of this, management of The Elm TreeHotel can hit their targets for a longer period of time. Administration of The Elm Tree Hotelneeds to look into various aspects like risk, scope, cost, quality and so on in order to formulate aplan. Along with this, it has been located that workers should be more effective in nature so thatbetter results can be gained. The Elm Tree Hotel is looking forward to hit targets for a longerperiod of time. Thus, they have to formulate a proper plan in order to attain their set objectives in
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a specific time. There are few elements should be considered while making a plan and these arementioned beneath:Scope: The Elm Tree Hotel has ample number of chance in order to improve itsprofitability and along with this can also give hard competition to their rivals. Executives shouldkeep on locating those opportunities by which The Elm Tree Hotel may gain a good position atmarketplace. Proper digitalising a company will help them in selling their goods and servicesthrough online servers where consumers don't need to go anywhere like shops, showrooms andso on. By this, market share will also get enhance.Risk management: Continuous raise in competition has become one of the reason whichis pushing The Elm Tree Hotel to adapt new tools and technologies. As risk factor is high innature in hotel line thus, bringing up technology at workplace at right time may lead The ElmTree Hotel to give competition to its competitors (Storey, Basterretxea and Salaman, 2014). Withthe help of this, hotel will better understand about tools and techniques that are being used bytheir rivals.Quality control: This is one of the main factor that can help firm in locating areas inwhich they can take effective decisions in order to improvise quality of products and servicesthat they are offering to their consumers. By altering in goods may help The Elm Tree Hotel tokeep up the interest of their tourists. There are some tools like fish bone, check sheet, scatterdiagram, histogram and etc. through which quality can be seen of products and services.Cost: Bringing digitalisation in company is not an easy task. It need funds in anappropriate amount as while bringing in a whole new technology may cost The Elm Tree Hotelin a huge amount. Along with this, as subordinates do not know about new tools it may bepossible that management should conduct training programmes in order to make staff membersfamiliar with digital technology that has been adapted.Time: Time management may play a vital role for The Elm Tree Hotel, because if firmwill not hit targets right on time it may lead them to create losses for them and along with thisdiminishing level of goodwill can also be seen at marketplace in front of society. Thus, it isimportant for The Elm Tree Hotel to set deadlines for every single activities which is related toplan.Communication: Healthy employee relation will help subordinates in sharing theirexperiences with each other. It is essential for The Elm Tree Hotel's executives to take
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