
Research Project Weekly Update


Added on  2020-02-03

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Managing SuccessfulBusiness Project
Research Project Weekly Update_1

INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................3TASK 1....................................................................................................................................................3P1 Aims and objectives of business entity.........................................................................................3P2 Project management plan.............................................................................................................4P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart.................................................................................5TASK 2....................................................................................................................................................6P4 Small scale research .....................................................................................................................6TASK 3....................................................................................................................................................9P4 Different methods for doing research...........................................................................................9P6 Communicate the appropriate recommendations.....................................................................10P7 Reflect on the value of research to meet stated objectives........................................................11CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................12
Research Project Weekly Update_2

INTRODUCTIONCorporate social responsibility is a factor which defines the accountability ofcorporate world towards the society. As company and other form of business are using theresources for the completion of their business activity. These resources belongs to the societyonly hence these corporate have the responsibility to return back the share of profit to publicand to offer them improved and better services and products which can help them to get thegoal of customer satisfaction (Ajmal, Helo and Kekäle, 2010). As customer satisfaction isdirectly related with corporate social responsibility. In this report various concepts of CSRand its attached objectives, advantages and disadvantages have been mentioned. Along withthis it helps in presenting the fact that why an enterprise should implement such elements inits organisational structure. The present report is focused on Elm tree hotel which assist inproviding quality services to consumers. In the below mentioned report discussion on aimsand objectives of company and small scale research by using quantitative and qualitativemethods (9 Secrets to Project Management Success, 2014). TASK 1P1 Aims and objectives of business entityTopic: “Implementing of CSR activities in the distinctive functional areas in the businessentity which assist in improving the profitability as well as productivity and meet thesustainable objectives”. Background of the study: Corporate social responsibilities are a different type of practiceswhich helps in managing all the operational activities and attain the success as well ascompetitive advantage in the society. It provides the information to the stakeholders and staffmembers to accomplish the targets. The present assignment is based on CSR activities ofchosen small and medium enterprise name Elm tree hotel to do routine operations in aneffective manner (Asif and et.al., 2013). The business entity has to fulfil their responsibilitieswhich are related to CSR and it also assists in embryonic the special rooms for special ordisable person. The business entity has to provide wheelchairs as well as otheraccommodative amenities. Aim: The staff members of Elm tree hotel have to develop the special rooms for theconsumers that are disable person or special person. Moreover, the employees of the businessentity have to provide the special facilities to them so that they can not face any issues andthese facilities are in terms of accommodation. Objectives: The managers have to do market research and also determine the target marketwhich assists in doing the segmentation of the market place. They have to identify the desiresas well as requirements of the service users and the cost which are included in developing therooms. The staff members have to analyse the demand before when they are doing thedevelopments or improvements and by that they can justified to make the concern which isrelated to the market place and attain the goals and objectives. Along with this by providing
Research Project Weekly Update_3

the best services which assist in improving the performance and productivity (5 Easy Tips forSuccessfully Managing Your Projects, 2014). P2 Project management planProject supervisor plan is a prescribed document and it is adopted by Elm tree Hotelby which the staff members can manage the implementation of the projects. It aid inpreparation, integrating as well as coordination among the distinctive activities which assistin attaining the goals and objectives in the competitive market place. Project administrativebodies plan is essential or necessary as it focuses on the cost, time along with the quality andconversation. The staff members of business entity have to do effective communication withthe service users as it aid in construction and maintaining faith. In the preparation employeesshould do work as well as they have to manage all the work activities when they are havingcomplex projects (Bititci, U.S., 2016). The managers have to provide the practical projects sothat cost of the distinct projects can be reduced. Managers and higher authorities have todescribe or elaborate the plan to the shareholders as well as they also define the roles andresponsibilities so that they can attain the goals and objectives. The manager of the companyhave to conduct the kickoff meeting in a effective way and appropriate way which assists indiscussing the hole projects along with the managing the whole projects which are complexin nature. For attaining the success they have to improve as well as develop the scopestatement as it is important in project plan. The employees have to utilise the effectiveresources so that they can not face any obstacles and reap the goals and objectives (Dumayand Cai, 2015). They can use work breakdown structure as well as Gantt chart which aid individing the work into different parts and meet the objectives along with the improving inperformance. Task NameDurationPlanning15 daysFinding a research topic 5 daysCreating a problem statement 5 daysSetting a time frame for allocating resources 5 daysImplementation40 daysConducting literature review 10 daysSelection of research techniques 20 daysCalculating costs 10 daysAnalysis and interpretation of data 5 daysEvaluating outcomes and results 5 daysClosure of Project 30 daysPresentation of conclusion andrecommendations 10 daysDocumenting the results 15 daysSubmitting reports 5 days
Research Project Weekly Update_4

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