
Assignment On Organizational Behavior- Doc


Added on  2020-04-01

6 Pages2020 Words53 Views
Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOROrganizational BehaviorName of the student:Name of the university:Author note
Assignment On Organizational Behavior- Doc_1

1ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORThesis statement: Significance of efficiency at workplaceEfficiency has played a pivotal role in human life with respect to the increasing anddeveloping the economic circumstances. It is a critical fact that people own numerous talents,hidden abilities and potentials. These are required for the people to prove their efficiency atworkplace and be successful. So, it can be argued that the people who do not have these abilitiesremain backward. To categorize according to the priorities, motivation can be counted in the firstas it important for disclosing several known and unknown talents and powers in the mostefficient way (Bolino et al. 2013). To have an impact of this talent the managers use certainmotivational techniques in an organization to develop the hidden skills in an employee. Theseskills increase the efficacy of the employees which is beneficial for them in their social life andother enterprises. If the employees can practice these motivational techniques provided by theirmanagers then they will be able to meet up to their expected outcome. According to DuBrin 2013, in this world, conjunctions such as the changes andadvancements at the global and regional level are growing in an interesting way. But the fact thatcan be argued here is that the rapid growth and development not only has a positive impact onthe organization but also affects in a negative way. To maintain with the negativities theorganization needs to be driven by strong and decisive managers who will be able to assess theprocess well. As per the article, the techniques that are used by the managers for motivationpurposes increase the efficiency of the employees in the workplace. Efficiency is undoubtedlythe most important factor which has an impact on the success of the employee as well as theorganization both in a positive and negative way. Efficiency is the most important factor andextremely valuable for enterprises. It is the indicator of the degree of success and the stability ofan enterprise. Although the ever- changing environment provides innumerable scope for theorganization yet there arises some crisis sometimes. It is recommended for the enterprise to makeeffective use of the opportunities which arises in the critical situation, and using the potentialskills and resources should be able to reduce the risk with a minimum loss (Gelfand et al. 2017).The notion of efficiency can be measured and described almost in each and every socioeconomicsystem as it is the potential to produce. In the contemporary era of increasing competition, theorganization should have a competitive advantage over others by making use of efficiency. Highefficiency can be seen as a big challenge and the organization must be able to achieve that in any
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2ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORpossible way. Efficiency either in micro or macro economy, is critical in various ways. It can beseen that the definition is not derived by any consensus but vary in many forms. Thetechnological component should be equipped with integrity along with the organizational goal. The important part that should be taken into consideration is the situation oftransportation, procuring raw materials, the economic structure of the place where the investmenttakes place, the national and international market scenario of the product that will be producedand the intra- business efficiency (Greenberg 2013). Irrespective of the sector, it is absolutelyimportant for the organization to have operational efficiency. It has become the latest style of thepeople to be efficient in whatever they do. Efficiency can be attained by getting positivefeedback which is valued in the social, economic, cultural and other fields. On the other hand itcan be stated that efficiency is related to elimination of the prevailing problems, perception andimplementing the necessary changes as opportunities by utilizing the resources and keeping thesense of intra- business service quality very high. It should also be taken into consideration thatthe best possible living conditions of the employees are maintained, by boosting the productionby optimum costs, the hard work put for supplying the best living and working conditions for theemployees by securing the natural and environment areas. Keeping aside all these factors, wheneffectiveness is measured, many factors should be kept in mind such as preparing the rawmaterials for production, using the core and auxiliary products necessary for production, shifttiming and schedule of the employees, their salaries, the added value of the product, procurementof the raw materials and the cost of the raw materials which are present in the enterprise(Hildreth and Anderson 2016). The final step, that is, the process of output, takes place in theflawless and unrepeated production with the proper utilization of the skills of the enterprise. It can be argued at this juncture that, in case of efficiency, the connection between theinput and the products are used for production. Efficiency is explained as the prevailingcorrelation between the attained products and the raw materials required for producing thatattained product in the facility of production, necessary equipments, workforce, labor, capital andenergy and a balanced using of the resources and the services. Thus, efficiency is, the appropriateutilization of the by combining the capital with technology and thus achieving the high level ofthe workforce labor and making the prudential investment for a place. It can be considered as theutilization of the factors such as resources, goods and services, raw material, labor, machines and
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