
Personal and Professional Development


Added on  2020-07-22

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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Task 1...............................................................................................................................................1P1 Approaches in self managed learning....................................................................................1P2 Ways in which personal and professional learning could be encouraged.............................2P3 The benefits of self managed learning to individual and organisational...............................2Task 2...............................................................................................................................................3P4 Evaluate own current skill and competencies against professional and firm objectives.......3P5 Identify own development needs and activities required for to meet those. .........................3P6 Identifying development opportunity to meet current and future needs................................4P7 Personal and professional development plan for needs identified.........................................4Task 3...............................................................................................................................................5P8 Process and activities required to implement the development plan.....................................5P9 Undertake and document development activities as planned................................................6P10 Reflect critically on own learning with original aims and objectives..................................7P11 Update the plan based on feedback and evaluation.............................................................7Task 4...............................................................................................................................................8P12 Solutions to work based problems.......................................................................................8P13 Communicate in variety of style and in appropriate manner...............................................8P14 Evaluate the effective time management strategies.............................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONPersonal and professional development is something which helps in bringing theeffectiveness in working style. It is a process in which organisation and individual both getsinvolved in learning scenario to meet the challenges and helps in attaining desired goals. In thisdevelopment process individual and firm both learns the time management, efficient andeffective working and a class to reduce stress. All such can be learn through training anddevelopment programs. It is required to examine the skills and abilities of individual which canhelp in organisational development too (McNiff, 2010). The report will discuss about theapproaches in self managed learning, ways through which learning for both can be encouragedand their benefits of self-managed learning thus own current skills and competencies. Althoughidentification of development needs and identifying development opportunities and making adevelopment plan which helps in implementing plan reflecting own learning in development planand receive feedback, providing solution for work based problems and communicating variety ofstyles which will make in effective management strategies. Task 1P1 Approaches in self managed learning.Self managed learning is that which provides knowledge in various ways. Thus learningis that thing which can be done anytime or in any age (Moon, 2013). Self managed learning arethose lessons which affects for the long time. Although this can be done through conferences andseminars, internet, social networking and books. And these are as follows: Internet: It is something where a person can find anything to learn. This helps inlearning in a effective way. Just because internet provides human beings a visual study and thisaffects the mind of individuals. At basic level general search engine is google where individualcan access the information written by journals and through authors. Seminar and conferences: People can learn various things through seminars andconferences. This helps in learning in a great way just because it makes to learn though audioand visual both. In seminars mainly experienced person are there who manages the stage andinfluences many other, this makes a affect in the minds of the individuals which helps indeveloping themselves for such thing in proper manner. 1
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Social networks: This network includes the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Wheremaximum people spend their time and see lot many new things. Through this individuals sharethe important information through which people comes to know the things happening in suchplace in which manner. They learn through their founders as well how they become successful,its all about learning and using the skills in effective manner. P2 Ways in which personal and professional learning could be encouraged.Personal and professional learning helps the organisation to achieve their targets inperfect way. Development can be their in many ways in organisation which helps in effectiveworking by individuals and company as whole (Elliott, 2011). Better trained and developed staffbring development in the organisation. The ways which help in learning process are as follows: Promotion Financial support Rise in pay etc.All such helps the employee and individuals to work effectively in great way. Throughthis lot more people gets encouraged to learn further as well. There are some points inorganisation where people get demotivated to work efficiently so further through learning aboutparticular situation helps them to work efficiently and motivates them again which helps them tomanage those situation in effective way. Few employees in industry fail to accept the changes inenvironment and thus learning helps them to adapt changes as such thing can help them toimprove their performance in company. P3 The benefits of self managed learning to individual and organisational.Self managed learning helps in development of individuals as they can learn so manythings in their own. They can learn skills and abilities to perform certain things through internet,social networking sites etc. This helps the people to receive new information and such thingsinfluences mind of individual (Zepeda, 2012). Thus self managed learning reduces the cost oforganisation in training and development program. Self managed learning brings effectiveness inthe working scenario of humans and company both. Benefit to individual and organisation are asfollows: Individual SML: This helps in increasing the progress and improve abilities and skills.Some of them are (facing challenges, self-awareness, knowing certain skills etc.) somewhere2
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