
Queensland Health Payroll System Analysis


Added on  2020-02-24

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Queensland Health Payroll System Analysis_1

PROJECT CLAIMSAND DAMAGES REPORTNAMEOF PROJECT1PROGRAM INFORMATIONProgram Name: Queensland Health Payroll ProgramDate: Date of the current Projects Negotiation and Conflict ReportProject Ownership: Area responsible for the projectPrepared by: Name and project positionDistribution List:List of those receiving the reportENTERYOURNAMEWITHSTUDENT IDPAGE2The state of Queensland in Australia decided to establish a payroll system whose main purpose will be to automatically deliver payments to allhealth workers of the state. The system that was to be developed was to comprise of two major interfacing systems, work brains and SAP. The program establishment began in the year 2010 and has been facing a large number of problems in its establishment and operation process. The environment within which this Queensland health payroll operates is complex. This is because it is utilized to address the issues of a large number of employees within the state. Queensland Health has managed toemploy about 85000 employees, with many working 24 hours in a day, for about seven days in a week. The employment of staff is through two different acts of law in the country and the employees are also under 12 different industrial awards and six different industrial agreements. These conditions and situations present the employees with more than 200 allowances and combination of pay. These aspects increase the complexity of the pay in a significant way (Rebekah, & Darshana, 2014). Currently, the payroll system in this state has about nine major issues which are considered important to consider and address. Funding has been an issue on the project, mainly because all the funds are obtained from the county government, and requires the county leadership to consent on its utilization. Individuals interested in ensuring that the system obtains effectiveness of operation are significantly important in ensuring that this effectiveness is obtained (Grosser, 2014). The management of the project has established appropriate strategies through which all these issues of the project can be addressed fully. This aspect is considered important and appropriate since without improvement strategies it would be extremely difficult for the county government to manage enhancing effectiveness of the project, an aspect whose failure would cause significant losses on the amount of money spent in the implementation of the project. The solution strategies were obtained from areview carried out by the KPMG organization which provided the findings of the progress of the program and the mistakes involved in its implementation (KPMG, 2012).
Queensland Health Payroll System Analysis_2

PROJECT CLAIMSAND DAMAGES REPORTNAMEOF PROJECT2PROJECT 1: FORWARDSTRATEGYFORPAYROLLSYSTEM2.1Platform Foundation (p. 117-118)ElementsKSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)1.Motivation and ContextTechnical KSAE:The process of the manual payment method was becoming outdated and ineffective.Project Management KSAE:The available government structure and willingness to commence the project was promising in management. Business Solution KSAE:The new payroll for Queensland Health was intended to solve many ineffectiveness business problems. Relational KSAE:Individuals establishing the project were in good relational terms and thus it was easy to carry out the required activities. 2.Joint GovernancestructureTechnical KSAE:An understanding of the government operations helped to establish the project and put in fully in place. Project Management KSAE:The government structure helped to establish an appropriate team to manage the project.Business Solution KSAE:For the government, the payroll project could solve many issues ofpayment that were affecting the operation of ministries. Relational KSAE:The government was in good relational terms to the management body of the project. 3.Integrated Risk Mitigation StrategyTechnical KSAE:Risk mitigation team in the project was skilled and capable of establishing strategies to mitigate risks. Project Management KSAE:Project managers established plans of mitigating risks and ensuring that they do not re-occur. Business Solution KSAE:Mitigating risk skills helped in ensuring that the business interests of the project are upheld. Relational KSAE:The risk mitigation team had the skills and abilities to address the risks. They were also skilled enough to address the issues required. ENTERYOURNAMEWITHSTUDENT IDPAGE3
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PROJECT CLAIMSAND DAMAGES REPORTNAMEOF PROJECT4.Join Communication StrategyTechnical KSAE:Communication skills, a good communication network and appropriate communication gadgets. Project Management KSAE:Skills and capabilities of organizing effective communication. The ability to communicate effectively with others.Business Solution KSAE:Skills of establishing effective negotiations to ensure that aspects of budget and supplies are favourable. Relational KSAE:Communication skills and capabilities between individuals working on the project. 5.Co-location StrategyTechnical KSAE:Understanding of how location will affect the operations of the project provisions. Project Management KSAE:Understanding the most strategic position for the project. Skills to secure and establish the project in the most ideal location. Business Solution KSAE:The means through which the project provisions will address the requirements made with the location aspect in place. Relational KSAE:Skills to establish a good relationship with those providing the location needed. 2.2Behavioural Factors (p. 119-120)ElementsKSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)6.Authentic LeadershipTechnical KSAE:Leaders require skills of understanding on the program and how it works to become efficient in its operation. Project Management KSAE:Ability to control all aspects of the project and deliver the required project deliverables.Business Solution KSAE:Ability to ensure profitability of the project outcome and its development requirements.Relational KSAE:Ability to establish a good leadership platform and team.7.Trust-Control BalanceTechnical KSAE:Skills to address all technical issues by all team members. An understanding of the skills that every stakeholder has and roles to carry out. Project Management KSAE:ENTERYOURNAMEWITHSTUDENT IDPAGE4
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PROJECT CLAIMSAND DAMAGES REPORTNAMEOF PROJECTUnderstanding of all project developers. Ability to handle all developers and control their input. Business Solution KSAE:Ensure that the project provides a positive business based output. Relational KSAE:Establishing a binding relationship on project developers. 8.Commitment to be InnovativeTechnical KSAE:The need for developers to be technically skilled on aspects regarding the project development process. Project Management KSAE:Skills of better strategies of development and improvement methods. Business Solution KSAE:Innovation skills and capabilities that will help in ensuring that the business remains profitable. Relational KSAE:Establishment of relations that are beneficial in innovation.9.Common best-for-project Mindset and CultureTechnical KSAE:An understanding of the appropriate mindset needed to handle all the technical aspects of the organization. Project Management KSAE:Ability to establish the most appropriate mindset on the project developers.Business Solution KSAE:The ability to ensure that individuals manage to retain effectiveness. Relational KSAE:Establishing an appropriate culture in the process of project development. 10.No-blame CultureTechnical KSAE:Ensuring that all individuals are well conversant with the technical roles that they should play. Project Management KSAE:Managing projects in the most appropriate way that individuals canimplement effectiveness. Business Solution KSAE:Ensuring that the culture is business oriented and helps in increasing effectiveness. Relational KSAE:Making sure that the individuals relate effectively. ENTERYOURNAMEWITHSTUDENT IDPAGE5
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PROJECT CLAIMSAND DAMAGES REPORTNAMEOF PROJECT2.3Processes, routines, and means (p. 121-122)ElementsKSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)11.Consensus DecisionsTechnical KSAE:Negotiation skills and capabilities. Ability to communicate with others effectively. Project Management KSAE:Ensuring that decisions made are effective for all individuals.Business Solution KSAE:Appropriate decision making skills. Ability to mitigate effectiveness.Relational KSAE:Good relationship establishment skills. Effective communication. 12.Learning and Continuous ImprovementTechnical KSAE:Skills in project technicalities and capabilities. Skills in improving project effectiveness. Project Management KSAE:Effective employee management skills. Ability to establish effectiveness in employee improvement. Business Solution KSAE:Effectiveness improvement skills. Appropriate planning on how to improve project gains. Relational KSAE:Establishing a good trainer and trainee relationship between individuals being trained and those establishing the training. 13.Incentive ArrangementsTechnical KSAE:Skills to motivate project developers. Knowledge of how best employees can be improved. Project Management KSAE:Good motivational skills. Effective organizational leadership. Business Solution KSAE:Maintaining developer effectiveness. Remaining appropriate and capable of development. Relational KSAE:Ability to maintain effectiveness in relationship maintenance. 14.Pragmatic Learning-in-ActionTechnical KSAE:Ability to instruct others on occurrences as they take place. Skills to guide others in action. Project Management KSAE:Establishment of a good learning environment. Remaining appropriate in operation. Business Solution KSAE:Effectiveness in operation and ensuring that employees manage toimprove their operations. ENTERYOURNAMEWITHSTUDENT IDPAGE6
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