
Impact of Employee Retention - Case Study of Hilton Hotel


Added on  2020-12-23

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Impact of Employee Retention - Case Study of Hilton Hotel_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTOPIC:.............................................................................................................................................1CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................11.1 Research project outline and specification............................................................................11.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project and Justification..........................31.4 Research Methodology..........................................................................................................31.5. Gantt Chart with Timeline...................................................................................................3CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................41.3. Critical review......................................................................................................................4Theme 1: Importance of employee retention in the company. ..................................................4Theme 2: Motivating factors in boosting the retention of employees at Hilton Hotel...............4Theme 3: Challenges faced by Hilton Hotel by high employees turnover.................................5Theme 4: Strategies for raising the employee retention in the hospitality industry...................5CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES..........................................................................62.1 Match the Resources efficient to research question..............................................................62.2 Undertaken the proposed research investigation...................................................................8CHAPTER 4: Data Findings, Analysis and Discussion..................................................................92.3 Record and Collate the relevant data....................................................................................93.2 Interpretation.......................................................................................................................15CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION & LIMITATIONS......................183.3 Recommendation and Justification and Limitations...........................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
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TOPIC:“To identify the impact of employee retention in raising the performance of theorganisation in hospitality industry. A case study on Hilton Hotel”. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Research project outline and specification.IntroductionEmployees are the key to success of all the organisation. Employee retentions is referredto the techniques employed by the management in order top help the employees to stay with theorganisation for longer period of time. Employees retention strategies go a very long way inmotivating the employees so that they stick to the company for maximum time as well ascontribute effectively. It is very essential for the company to put efforts very sincerely in order toensure the learning and growth for the employees (Younge and Marx, 2016). If employees arenot satisfied with the company, than it is not possible to achieve the desire goals and objectivesof the organisation. For retention of employees, organisations used to put many efforts likerewards and incentives system, training and development programmes so that they feel valuedfor the organisation which in turn motivate them. In this present research, researcher use systematic techniques and methods for identifyingthe impact of employee retention in raising the performance of the organisation. Hilton hotel isbeing chosen for assessment. It is one of the global brand of full service hotels and resorts. Background of the Research The present research is based on the importance of employee retention as well as itsimpact on the performance of Hilton Hotel. It is fact that employee are the backbone of thecompany, if employees are not satisfied and motivated it is not possible to gain competitiveadvantages in the market. The impact of employee retention on the performance of the companyis critical because it directly affects the goodwill and reputation of the organisation. Further, highlabour turnover also raises the cost of operation which in turn decreases the profitability of thecompany (Noe and et.al., 2017). Thus, this present research paper will identify the impact ofemployee retention in raising the performance of Hilton hotel as well as provide furtherimprovement in controlling the high labour turnover rate. 1
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Statement of Research ProblemThe present research is focusing on employee retention, its benefits, its impact as well asit challenges. Further researcher will also provide some solution to the company for boostingemployee retention (Aguenza and Som, 2018). However, the problem or gap is that researcherwill not able to focus on other things of employee retention such as standards, frameworks andother things which is also very essential but because of lack of time, issues and resources, scholarwill not able to focus on these things. Aim and Objectives and Research Questions Aim:“To identify the impact of employee retention in raising the performance of theorganisation in hospitality industry. A case study on Hilton Hotel”. Objectives:To identify the importance of employee retention in the company. To determine the motivating factors in boosting the retention of employees at HiltonHotel.To identify the challenges faced by high employees turnover.To provide strategies for raising the employee retention in the hospitality industry. Research Question:1.What are the importance of employee retention in the company? 2.What are the motivating factors in boosting the retention of employees at Hilton Hotel?3.What are the challenges faced by Hilton Hotel in overcoming the issues of employeesturnover? 4.What are the strategies required for raising the employee retention in the hospitalityindustry? Purpose and Scope of the StudyThe main purpose of the study is to identify the impact of employee retention on raisingthe performance of the company. Another purpose is to identify the benefits and challenges facedby organisation in employees retention. The scope of this study is very broad as it is used in both academic and corporate sector.Students who are persuading the studies related to management of human resources will find2
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very beneficial from this research study. On the other hand, this research is could also be used bythe organisation for understanding the importance of employees retention. 1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project and Justification.There are various factors that allows researcher to choose the topic employee retention.These are easy availability of data as the information of employee retention, its benefits,challenges and impact are easily available. Another factors which allows researcher to choose thetopic is the interest behind the topic as scholar is very interested in knowing the feelings andemotions of employees working in the company. 1.4 Research MethodologyResearch Methodology Applied in the Research Research Methods/TypeQualitative Research Approach Inductive Research DesignDescriptiveSampling Probabilistic in which Random Samplingtechnique will be used. 20 HR managers ofHilton HotelData CollectionBoth Primary (Questionnaire) and Secondary Data Analysis Qualitative in which Thematic Analysis 1.5. Gantt Chart with TimelineChaptersWeek1Week2Week3Week4Week5Week6Week7Week8Week9IntroductionLiterature reviewResearchmethodologyData collection,Analysis &InterpretationConclusion3
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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW1.3. Critical reviewTheme 1: Importance of employee retention in the company. According to MANDHANYA, (2015) employees are the key to success for all types oforganisation irrespective to there size, scale and objectives. If employees are not there it is notpossible to reach desire goals and objectives of the company. Employee retentions is referred tothe techniques employed by the management in order top help the employees to stay with theorganisation for longer period of time. If employees are not motivated and satisfied, it willdirectly influenced the quality of goods and services organisation is providing to customers thatautomatically results in fever satisfaction of customers. However, Porter and Kramer, (2019) saidthat, employee retention is important because hiring is not an easy process as HR managers haveto shortlists some individual from large pool of talents, conduct preliminary interviews and manyother task are required. Rabbi and et.al., (2015) articulated that, when an employee resigns from theorganisation, it might be happen that they would join the competitors and this is not at all goodfor the organisation. It is because employees tends to take all the current organisation policies,strategies to other organisation. So, employee retention is also very important for theorganisation to remain competitive in the market place. In addition to this, employee retention isalso very as it positively affects the goodwill of the company. It is fact that goodwill andreputation is more important than profit margins. However, Aruna and Anitha, (2015) said that,employee retentions is also very essential for the company to retain the valuable and worthemployees. It is because each and every company required the talented and hard-workingworkforce.Theme 2: Motivating factors in boosting the retention of employees at Hilton HotelAs per the findings of Ganesh, (2016) motivation is very important for the success of theorganisation as well as for retention of employees for long term. Motivation is the essence of theorganisation as it is very essential for gaining competitive advantage in the market. Respect,dignity, salary, rewards, position, social culture and many others are the factors which boost themotivation of employees. It is very essential because if organisation do not focus on employeesmotivation, it will increase the employee turnover along with the quality of work done byworkers. If quality is affects it will decrease the customers satisfaction which will automatically4
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