
Research Ethics and Data Protection


Added on  2020-11-23

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Research proposal of globalization 2
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APPENDIX Research Proposal FormStudent Name: ______________________ Student ID:____________Centre Name: _____________________Tutor: ________________ Date:___________________Unit: ____________________Proposed Title: ______________________________________________Section One: Title, objective, responsibilitiesTitle or working title of the research project (in the form of a question,objective or hypothesis)Title: “How globalization can drive business success: A case study onCadbury”. A case study on Cadbury.” Overview of researchGlobalisation refers to the process of integration between companies, people and governmentworldwide. It works toward inter connecting market as well as national economies of different countries(Chanzu and Gekara, 2014). The concept of globalisation is very wide which support companies tooperate their business at large scale by setting it up over several geographical area or by targetingdifferent people at broader level. In addition to this globalisation of businesses also help a customer topurchase product or services from several different companies that belongs to some another nation. Thishelp in improving the living standard of people by satisfying their need and demand. Therefore, globalisation describes about the process through which the regional as well asnation economies, culture and societies have become integrated by maintaining a network ofcommunication, trade, immigration etc. at global level. Globalisation has removed the nationalboundaries and focus over promoting a view that information, opportunities as well as knowledge mustbe decentralised and shared among people. This major factor of globalisation also contributesimproving the product as well as services offered by companies and creates competitive environmentwhich encourage businesses to bring innovation for satisfying their customers. Hence, globalisation
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also leads to business success as by operating organisational operations at international level,companies will be able to enhance their quality of work through integration of knowledge, people,resources and skill. This results into more satisfactory services to customer and expansion of which inseveral geographical area that leads to higher profitability and organisational success. Globalisation of business is now become a trend among corporates and also an essential part inorder to survive in a market (Gansler, Lucyshyn and Rigilano, 2013). The reason behind this is thatcompetition is increasing day by day which require companies to target large market for growth as wellas survival in market. The globalisation has increased competition because of which after sometimesmarket get saturated that create a situation of no profit or no loss in front of company. But in order tomaintain its growth stage it become essential for them to expand their business in other nation whichprovide them several growth opportunities and also leads to organisational success (Intriligator, 2017).There are several companies which started operating their business at global level and experience ahigher growth like, Marks and Spencer, Tesco, Cadbury, etc. The present research is based onCadbury which has faced robust growth with drivers of globalisation. Background of companyCadbury is a British multinational confectionery company, headquartered in London, UnitedKingdom. It deals in variety of products such as chocolate bars, candy, biscuits, milk additives andmany more. It began its business by setting up a shop where they use to sell roasted and chocolates intheir tea and coffee, by getting acceptance they started creating their chocolate bars by setting up afactory in Birmingham. Later company started promoting its product through advertisements inorder to expand and position its business in other nations. This step ofnationalising business provide several growth opportunities to Cadbury i.e.expansion of business and approaching large number of customers. Throughselling product at international level, the demand of its chocolate bars getsincreased and as a result of company get accepted by people throughout theworld which results in higher organisational success. Now company operates itsbusiness in more than 50 countries worldwide.
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Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? Whatdo you want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?):Research questions:Explain about several strategies that can be adopted by Cadbury to achieve success at globallevelResearch objectives: To explore about the concept of globalisation within 1.5 months.To identify three strategies that help Cadbury in achieving business success at global levelwithin the time period of 2 months. To determine the four important ways in which globalisation help Cadbury in driving successwithin 4 monthsTo recommend ways through which Cadbury achieve success at global level.Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research projectReasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you arestudying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want toimprove, why the topic is important):Main aim behind selecting this topic is to identify the importance ofglobalising a business and ways through which it helps a company to achievehigher success at marketplace. This research is conducted to determine severalissues which affecting the global performance of Cadbury and ways to overcomethat in order to suggest ways which support company to achieve success. Inaddition to this topic involves a broader concept which help a learner as well asresearcher in enhancing their knowledge about the particular field of study i.e.globalisation and its role in business success. Now a day’s globalisation hasbecome a major factor that support companies in achieve higher growth as wellas success (Savrul, Ince Kara and Sener, 2014). The study is conducted todetermine several new opportunities which business experiences at the time ofglobalisation like innovation in product or process, huge market to serve,technological benefit, higher profitability and many more. Apart from it byconducting research over this topic researcher will be able to identify majorissues that organisations usually face while entering in a new market or in newcountry. This information will further support companies to formulate theirstrategical plan by considering several barriers as well as opportunities present
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