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Rooms Division Operations Management: Services, Roles, Regulations, and Yield Analysis


Added on  2023/01/12

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This document discusses the various services provided by room division operations in Premier Inn, including front office, occupancy report, housekeeping, and linen service. It also explores the roles and responsibilities of the front office manager, such as providing training to staff and managing customer service. Additionally, it highlights key legal and statutory regulations within Premier Inn operations, such as food safety standards, safety and security acts, and employee safety acts. Finally, it analyzes yield and revenue management strategies, including group room sales, FIT sales, F&B, special events, and tactics like leveraging events and selling products to other hotels.

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Rooms Division
Operations Management

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Table of Contents
1. Evaluation of services provided by room division operations.................................................3
2. Roles and responsibilities of front office manager..................................................................4
3. Key legal and statutory regulations within Premier Inn operations........................................6
4. Analysis of yield and revenue management............................................................................7
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In every hotel there are various types of room services operations performed. it includes
many types of services which helps in attending guest and fulfilling their needs. This department
is entirely responsible for gaining customer satisfaction and overall maintenance of hotel. the
staff perform various types of roles and achieve goals (Angelis, Glenngård and Jordahl, 2019).
It is essential to maintain quality of room services so that customer can be retained. There are
variety of operations performed in it. Premier Inn is a British hotel chain in UK having more than
800 hotels in all over the world. It was founded by Whitbread in 1987.
In this report it will be described about types of room division services offered by Premier
Inn. Also, it will be explained about roles and responsibilities of front office manager. Besides
that, rules and regulations that needs to be followed will be discussed. Moreover, analysis of
yield management will be done.
1. Evaluation of services provided by room division operations
Room division management is considered one of the main aspect of operation
management whose main aim to make or create a pleasant and enjoyable environment. One of
the main responsibility of room division manager of Premier Inn is to make sure comfort to
customers. However, it is necessary to provide these services on time to fulfil customer needs.
As Premier Inn operate at global level they also have to satisfy customer needs. So, various types
of services are defined as : (Dai and Tayur, 2019)
Front office
The front office services are of many types which is foremost in room division. It
includes services such as mentioned :
in this service related to reception are provided. it includes booking of room, billing,
customer verification, and many more. It is most important services in it as without it no other
services are offered. Moreover, here customer documentation is also done and their complaints
are listened and solved.
Occupancy report
The housekeeping department is also responsible for displaying number of the occupants
in room and thus provides the room occupancy report to the front office which further assist
them in maintaining the record. In Premier Inn , housekeeping division through the help of this
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system maintains a list of the gusts who have checked-in along with the details like number of
children, adults, number of nights for which they have booked rooms etc. (Leoneti, dos Santos
and de Oliveira, 2019) Thus, this is one of the major operation and function of housekeeping
division in Premier Inn which also helps the overall management of hotel to deal with various
It is also a service in room division in which there are varied services included in it.
There are many functions in it which is elaborated and integrated with operations. they are
mentioned as
Cleaning of rooms
here, housekeeping unit is responsible for cleaning of rooms. the cleaning is done in
regular basis to provide neat and hygienic environment to customers. it also involves cleaning of
doors, floors, bathroom, etc. and external space of hotel as well. this result in maintaining
cleanliness in entire hotel.
Linen service
It is a type of service related to change of linen. here, cloths of bed sheet, towel, pillow
covers, etc. are changed and cleaned. Alongside, it also includes laundry services in which cloths
and linen are washed and cleaned (Raitasuo, Kuula and Finne, 2019).
So, these all are the services in room division which enable in offering services and
fulfilling customer needs. Furthermore, each service differs from one another. However, the
services has to be provided at right time so that customer satisfaction is gained.
2. Roles and responsibilities of front office manager
In hospitality sector there are varied types of roles and responsibilities which is performed
by employees and managers. Each one role differs from one another as it depends on their job
role as well as skills and knowledge possessed by them. Moreover, roles assigned are
accordingly in department or division. By performing roles, it enables in attaining goals and
objectives. Furthermore, training is provided to them to perform higher roles. Likewise, in
Premier Inn role and responsibilities of front office manager is described as :-
Providing training to staff

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It is significant role of front office manager in Premier Inn. here, he provides training to
staff on how to deal with guests. here, sometimes manager greet and attend guest with smile.
Also, he communicates with them when they enter in hotel. Besides that, manager acts as a link
between guest and room division staff by communicating needs of guest. In addition, training is
provided to improve staff interpersonal skills. Also, they gain knowledge about how to welcome
guest, listen problems, solve it, etc. Moreover, by doing it practically and performing his role,
manager train them (Reid and Sanders, 2019).
Customer service
This is another role of manager where he manages and handles complaints of customer
regarding service quality, issues of cleanliness, etc. By listening to their problems, manager solve
it by taking proper action and measures. The manager also takes feedback from them about
services offered. Moreover, handling of customers is role performed as well. They set certain
standards and guidelines of offering service and make some changes in procedure as well. he
ensures that services are being offered as per set procedure and is of high quality.
Recruiting and selecting candidates
Apart from defined roles there are some responsibilities as well of manager. he is
responsible in Premier Inn to recruit and select candidate on various job roles. They identify the
requirement in room division and are involved in selection process. besides that, manager take
interview of candidate and at initial stage provide them training. they are responsible for
analysing the skills and knowledge of staff and then only hiring them. in this way, goals and
objectives of hotel is accomplished (Rumble, 2019).
Managing inventory
It is also a responsibility of manager to manage inventory of Premier Inn. he ensures that
inventory like linen, raw materials, etc. are in proper to fulfil the demand. the stock is checked
weekly and if there is shortage of it then it is quickly communicated by manager to inventory
unit regarding this. In addition, manager has to ensure that linen stock is in adequate amount.
alongside, it enables in keeping inventory up to date. furthermore, inventory quality is also
checked that whether it is of high quality or not.
Providing training
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It is significant role of front office manager in Premier Inn. here, he provides training to
staff on how to deal with guests. here, sometimes manager greet and attend guest with smile.
Also, he communicates with them when they enter in hotel. Besides that, manager acts as a link
between guest and room division staff by communicating needs of guest. In addition, training is
provided to improve staff interpersonal skills. Also, they gain knowledge about how to welcome
guest, listen problems, solve it, etc. Moreover, by doing it practically and performing his role,
manager train them
The manager performs these roles and ensure that all regulations are properly followed.
He has to assign roles to staff on basis of their skill and also provide training to them. Through
this, tasks are performed and goal is attained (Srinivasan, 2019).
3. Key legal and statutory regulations within Premier Inn operations
In hospitality sector there are various rules and regulations which is followed. It ensures
that operations performed in Premier Inn are legal and all health and safety measures are
adhered. Moreover, local bodies and government monitor and regulate those laws and
regulations. Apart from it, hotel form internal policies and guidelines on basis of it. However,
regulation provide a framework on how services are to be delivered. The regulations are as
follows :
Food safety standard-
This regulation enforces Premier Inn to provide hygiene food to guests. also, it enables
them to follow certain standards related to food safety in preparing food and serving it to guests.
alongside, these standards are followed in maintaining a proper and safe environment in kitchen
and others areas where food is prepared. Moreover, the regulation consists of five risk factors
that are inadequate cooking, food temperature, unsafe sources, poor hygiene and contaminated
food. therefore, the regulation reduces impact of all these five factors in delivering low quality
food and unhygienic food to guests. as Premier Inn is a well known brand name in hospitality
they follow food safety standard effectively (Watanabe, 2019). also, chefs and staff follow it to
maintain proper hygienic environment. They are given training about it.
Safety and security act
It is an act related to safety and security of guest which is followed within hospitality
industry. in this act there are many sub acts, guidelines and standards of safety and security. It
states that Premier Inn must provide and ensure security to their guest, the rooms must be safe
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and secure. Other than this, hotel has to comply with privacy and security standards of guest
personal information, data, etc. they should not disclose privacy of guests and confidential info
with third party. along with this, no outsider must enter in hotel or access room of guests without
permission. Moreover, staff must also ensure and comply with security and safety standards of
hotel. Similarly, in Premier Inn all security regulations are followed. they have installed CCTV,
smart room locks, etc. Furthermore, all guest’s confidential data and info is stored in servers and
computers. they are not shared or accessed to any other person. In addition, each outsider entry is
checked and no unauthorised entry is done. this enable in providing safe and secure environment
to customers and gaining their satisfaction (Wright and Shnitman, 2019).
Employee safety act
here, in this regulation the health and safety laws related to staff safety is followed. the
hotel is required to provide health and safety environment to workers working in it. besides that,
all tools and equipment such as fire extinguisher, fire alarms, etc. has to be properly installed and
monthly inspection needs to be done. this ensure that all safety and security methods and
practices are implemented within hotel. the employee safety is priority for hotel. in all area at
workplace hotel management needs to maintain staff safety. Thus, in Premier Inn all standard
and guideline related to safety act are adhered. they do proper inspection of all these in frequent
times and make changes accordingly. through this, they ensure that employee safety is
maintained in hotel.
However, top management is responsible for regulating all laws and regulations. they do
inspection to find out what changes in required in it.
4. Analysis of yield and revenue management
In hospitality industry yield management refers to offering right services to customers at
right time. this enable in setting out pricing strategy to understand the behaviour of customers.
moreover, strategy is developed to maximise profit in a particular time period. the main objective
is to improve revenue ratio of hotel (Zeńczak and Krystosik-Gromadzińska, 2019). There are
several components of yield management which is mentioned as :-
Group room sales –
from this element hotel is able to generate huge profits. the room sales are those in which
rooms are booked by hotel in advance. This means for 2 – 3 months prior rooms are booked by
guests or customers. So, it results in generating huge revenue through advance booking. It will

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enable Premier Inn to obtain more revenue and profit from this yield management. they will also
be able to increase customer base and gain competitive advantage.
FIT sales –
It is also a method of management where rooms are sold to free travellers. here, rooms
are booked prior to 3 – 4 weeks of arrival of guests. With this it becomes easy for Premier Inn to
maintain occupancy level of rooms and generate revenue from it. Here, a trend can be followed
where some rooms can be kept vacant for customers who book it through arrival.
In this component hotel generate revenue by increasing capacity of food and beverage. it
is completely related to it. Moreover, F&B is core function of hotel by which as well profit is
generated. here, food and beverages are prepared and offered to customers. thus, by offering
more types and variety of food and beverage items high profit can be produced by Premier Inn It
will enable in improving their financial performance and sales and profits (Dai and Tayur,
Special events
This is also an option through which profit can be produced. here, by conducting special
evens such as food and music concerts, business and corporate evets, etc. for which banquet hall
is booked and other services are provided in the event. similarly, Premier Inn can also initiate
and engage in special events which will result in rise in profit. alongside, more customers can be
attracted as well.
There are some tactics as well which can be followed by Premier Inn .
Leveraging event
They are similar to special events but in this customer are given option to stay in hotel for
2- 3 days. here, many types of events can be organised or conducted such as business, concert,
seminars, meetings, etc. for this they are offered discounts and certain benefits as well.
Selling product to another hotel
Here, Premier Inn can offer their services to other hotels as well (Raitasuo, Kuula and
Finne, 2019). For example – services like online booking, security, F&B, etc. to other hotels.
thus, from that they will be able to produce and earn profit from it. furthermore, they can
collaborate with other hotels to provide those services and charge for it.
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It has been summarised that room service division are wide range of services offered in
hospitality sector. they are managed by manager of hotel. there are variety of services included in
it such as front office operation, housekeeping, food and beverage, etc. In all these various roles
are performed by staff. The role of front office manager is providing training to staff, customer
service , recruiting and selecting candidates. Besides, there are certain laws and regulations
followed like food safety standard, safety and security act, employee safety act. These all enable
in working in legal way. However, yield management refers to offering right services to
customers at right time. its components are group room sales FIT room sales, special events.
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Books and journals
Angelis, J., Glenngård, A.H. and Jordahl, H., 2019. Management practices and the quality of
primary care. Public Money & Management, pp.1-8.
Dai, T. and Tayur, S., 2019. Healthcare operations management: A snapshot of emerging
research. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
Leoneti, A.B., dos Santos, D.V. and de Oliveira, S.V.W.B., 2019. Process management
framework for chemical waste treatment laboratories. Business Process Management
Raitasuo, P., Kuula, M. and Finne, M., 2019. Linking green supply chain management skills and
environmental performance. In Operations Management and Sustainability (pp. 273-
291). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Reid, R.D. and Sanders, N.R., 2019. Operations management: an integrated approach. John
Wiley & Sons.
Rumble, G., 2019. The planning and management of distance education. Routledge.
Srinivasan, L., 2019. Operational Risk Management in Banks–Measures for
Mitigation. Vinimaya, 40(1), pp.48-52.
Watanabe, S., Fuji Xerox Co Ltd, 2019. Apparatus, room, management system, and non-
transitory computer readable medium. U.S. Patent Application 16/109,781.
Wright, W.A. and Shnitman, M.G., MiTek Holdings Inc, 2019. Design-model management using
a geometric criterion. U.S. Patent 10,229,227.
Zeńczak, W. and Krystosik-Gromadzińska, A., 2019. Improvements to a Fire Safety
Management System. Polish Maritime Research, 26(4), pp.117-123.
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