
SWOT Analyses of Volkswagen Group


Added on  2020-07-22

13 Pages4469 Words49 Views
Business DevelopmentFinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
SWOT Analyses of Volkswagen Group_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Role of business missions and goals in creation of strategic plan....................................11.2 Important factors in formulation of a plan.......................................................................11.3 Effectiveness of techniques that are used in development of strategic plans...................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................12.1 Organisational audit of Volkswagen group .....................................................................12.2 Environmental audit of Volkswagen ...............................................................................22.3 Importance of stakeholders analyses................................................................................32.4 Future strategy for Volkswagen group.............................................................................43.1 Analysation of appropriateness of alternative strategies..................................................53.2 Justification of selected strategy.......................................................................................64.1 Responsibility of personnel who play crucial role in execution of strategy.....................74.2 Need of resources for strategy implementation................................................................84.3 Role of SMART targets in implementation of strategy....................................................8CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
SWOT Analyses of Volkswagen Group_2

INTRODUCTIONEvery organisation has some objectives which they want to achieve by utilising theirresources in an effective manner. Business strategy is a long term plan which basically covers theactivities that a company is going to do in next 3-5 years. This work help them in attaining theirmajor goals. Volkswagen group is one of the leading companies of auto-mobile sector. They arerunning their operations in more than 150 nations. This file will discuss about vision andobjectives which make is taken in account at the time of strategic planning. Evaluation oftechniques which is used in formation of tactics will be included in this report. Organisation andenvironmental audit will also become the part of this assignment. Responsibility of variouspersonnel who are selected for implementation of plan will be discussed in this project. Thisreport will explain estimation of resources which are required for the execution of tactics. BCGand Anstroff matrix will get discuss under this file.TASK 11.1 Role of business missions and goals in creation of strategic planCovered in PPT1.2 Important factors in formulation of a planCovered in PPT.1.3 Effectiveness of techniques that are used in development of strategic plansCovered in PPT.TASK 22.1 Organisational audit of Volkswagen group Cited company is considered as one of the most successful organisation of auto-mobilesector. They are financial sounds and the have 340 subsidiaries (approximately). Following is theSWOT analyses of Volkswagen group:Strengths – This company has strong global presence, they do not have any competitorswho has such a wide portfolio (London and Hart, 2011). After emission scandal, industry expertswere thinking that this company is almost finish but they revived in a very short time because oftheir goodwill. Their customers still have faith in them and they do not want switch their car1
SWOT Analyses of Volkswagen Group_3

brand. This company has done remarkable work in term of installing new technology in theirvehicles. Their research and development department is working on future cars and newtechnology. They are successfully expanding their business in developing market like China andIndia. This will assist them in earning high amount of profit in forthcoming time. Weakness – They are operating at a large level. The decision making process in this firmis very slow which is hampering their growth in emerging as well as in developed market.Negative publicity tainted their image, their valuation has gone down because of incidents likeemission scandal. Opportunities – Volkswagen should invest more funds in emerging markets like in Asiancountries (Pugh and Bourgeois, 2011). They should launch more products in this region in orderto capture significant amount of share. Company should launching hybrid cars, they mustconcentrate on developing vehicles which can run by using electricity. Threats – Companies like TESLA are getting surprising results in short period of time.Most of the experts of auto-mobile industry believe that petrol and diesel would get disappearafter 2030. Volkswagen group is still trying to develop electric car, on the other hand enterpriseslike TESLA and Google has done remarkable work in this field. Competitors of Volkswagen isis stealing their market. They are trying to capture the emerging market where cited enterprisehas strong presence. 2.2 Environmental audit of Volkswagen Business environment, where a company is operating, can affect performance of acompany. Managers of an enterprise need to understand various external factors which hascapacity to derail the operations of a firm. Below is PESTLE analyses of cited group:Political – This organisation is working in almost 150 countries. Political conditions inthese nation varies so management of Volkswagen face trouble in making a sound and standardpolicy (Reinhardt and Stavins, 2011). Sometime government raises tax which made a negativeimpact on profit of firm. Their are several countries who are inviting companies like Volkswagenbecause they understand that these organisations has capacity to do infrastructural development.They are ready to provide special deduction in taxation. Economical – Demand of cars will be more in an economy which is growing at a highrate. Purchasing power of buyers in Asian region is enhancing, this will help cited firm inincreasing their sale. European continent is facing issues relating to low economic growth, this2
SWOT Analyses of Volkswagen Group_4

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