
The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing


Added on  2022-12-27

11 Pages3173 Words43 Views
The role of digital
marketing and social
media marketing
The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing_1
Table of Contents
The marketing mix and where the communications mix fits.................................................1
Digital Marketing...................................................................................................................2
Social Media Marketing.........................................................................................................3
Importance of digital marketing and social media marketing to contemporary businesses...3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
Two examples of social media contents that really works.....................................................4
Screen shots of effective campaigns of H&M for social media marketing on Instagram......4
Examine why the social media content is effective................................................................6
The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing_2
Today's contemporary and uncertain market is facing the neck to neck competition and to
gain competitive advantage marketing has become essential tool. Marketing is no longer the
traditional approach where billboards, television ads, brochures are the source to advertise or
seek customers attention, it has become more diversified with digital marketing and social media
marketing which is discussed in report (Adam and et. al., 2020). Digital marketing is a method to
advertise and promote the product and services through digital channels and technology and
internet facility. Where as social media marketing the part of digital marketing to seek attention
of audience through social media platforms. Hence report crafts the example of H&M to deeply
study social media campaign.
Marketing is the action a company undertakes to promote the business offerings like
product and service in the target audience. There is conception in the minds of people that
marketing is advertisement rather marketing comprises of activities such as creating product or
service ideas, determining who is likely to buy, promoting, advertising and transferring through
appropriate sales channels (Appeland et. al., 2020). Marketing is the process to create the
customer relationship in form of conversation and communication. Marketing includes four
stages: creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging. Values are the key offering of the
marketing process with the products and services to customers. There are various types of
marketing such as influencer marketing, relationship marketing, green marketing etc. Hence,
marketing at its core try to seek attention of the customers through catchy slogans, logos,
packaging, or with story lines to ensure the company meets its profitability in the end.
The marketing mix and where the communications mix fits
Under the umbrella of marketing there are 4 major areas: Product, Price, Place and
Promotion, termed as the marketing mix. And synchronizing with each other to focus on
customers needs. The elements of marketing mix are described underneath:
The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing_3
Product:Product can be tangible or intangible entity with the attributes designed to fulfil
the needs and demands of the customers and to satisfy the customers and fill gap in
market. Price:Price is the written cost on the product calculated by production, development,
marketing, packaging and distribution cost. Price should meet the products quality to
encourage the willingness in customers to spent and acquire the product (Gretzel, 2019). Place:Place is distribution area of product like stores, online platform etc. from where
customers can access the product.
Promotion:Promotion is marketing campaign to communicate and make product visible
to customers, frequency of promotion develop the interest in customers and increase the
survival of product.
The marketing mix are more company oriented to earn profitability while with changing world
the communication mix are more customer oriented to understand the customer's perspective.
Thus fitting both marketing and communication mix together help in value creation to the firm.
New product can be developed with customers perspective, understanding of cost and price will
give better pricing strategy. Hence, Combination of both will improve the business and higher
the satisfaction in customers.
Digital Marketing
The modern approach of the marketing where marketers use technology and digital
platforms to promote, advertise, sell, deliver and exchange there products and services. In the
nutshell, digital marketing is the the marketing using the internet, smart phones, SEOs, social
media and other digital channels to approach and attract the consumer (Jiménez-Castillo and
Sánchez-Fernández, 2019). Digital is now become the core of the market where people are more
attracted to the digital ads, videos, promotion and are more feasible in buying and selling online.
There are various forms of digital marketing like internet marketing, social media marketing,
content marketing, video marketing etc. Digital marketing is accessible to all the enterprises
small, medium and large. Hence, digital marketing has build the direct relationship between
buyers and customers where customers can solve the problem and company can create faith.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is the crucial segment of the digital marketing concept it is the
marketing channel where people create or post content, videos on social media platforms like
The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing_4

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