
Working With and Leading People - PDF


Added on  2020-09-17

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Working with and leading people
Working With and Leading People - PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 select and recruit new staff member in the organization. .....................................................31.2 assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process. ........................................................................................................................41.3 selection process....................................................................................................................41.4 Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management ..............................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................73.2 working in a team leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations. ......................................................................................................................73.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals. ..............................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................84.1 factors include in planning and the monitoring the assessment of work performance.........84.2 Plan and deliver of the development needs of individual. ...................................................94.3 evaluate the success of the assessment process.....................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................11
Working With and Leading People - PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganization working with several types of employees, it makes good and impressive. It also helps to enhance the employee’s motivation in order to implement better employment strategies and market opportunity. Organization form from different dedicated employees or target audience which helps to accomplish the organization objectives. Present report based on working with leading people. For that file will be taken United parcel company. It will discuss about the selection or recruitment process of employees. Further apart it will more look upon skills and attributes needed in a talented employee for working performance. This overall processenhances the company services and target market customers. In the organization there are different role of manager and leader will also be explaining in this report. For enhancing the employee motivation employee’s leadership theories also explaining in this report. TASK 11.1 select and recruit new staff member in the organization. United parcel limited is the multinational package delivery company and a provider. Company needs to adopts the best strategic and competitive strategy making approach and productive task making performance. Along with that, it will be more productive and effective when organization adopt the best recruitment strategies to select employee for the organization. Moreover, it will be explaining the best productive task and productive strategic working condition (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). For recruiting any new employee in the organization company needs to acquire some set of formats and task making form. First company needs to send draft to HR department for fulfilling the vacancy. For making proper documentation. It requires taking the approval and follows the given process.Approval of the recruitment: UPS needs to recruit 4 employees, 1o driver and 3 administrators. Itis the role of HR manager to implement impressive and effective role making task. It will more productive and impressive manner of working. HR departments further start the process of working.Position description: No one organization has right to change the position or job description afterposting a job or job description. Job description includes several job positions and their roles andresponsibilities. Advertising: Advertising is one of the sources and important task to recruit new members. Furthermore, it will more explaining about the job and their related information such as job position, title, salary, company name, roles and responsibilities, due date and number of vacancy etc. this helps to better communicate with new candidate (Goleman, 2017). HR also needs to set and adopt some set of regulations and employment act into their documentation such as impact of sex discriminatory act, impact of equality regulations, impact of law in advertising stage, impact of right to the employee, impact of law in interview stage etc (Goodall, 2018). United Parcel Company
Working With and Leading People - PDF_3

Required Drivers and office staffExperienced in driving for I yearsGood interpersonal skills Self motivated and Diligent Having experience of basic computer knowledge.1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process. Impact of equality regulationIt is the foremost and mandatory regulation act within a recruitment process. HR managercannot take this normal or to give privilege to any particular group. Organization should not break the law and regulation act in any condition. For example Unite parcel company needs to make fair and equal environment among all others in the organization in order to eliminate any kind of discrimination process. Impact of sex discriminatory actIt is mandatory for the organization to maintain the sex discriminating act, without this company cannot introduce employees for working. Employee cannot treat any employee on the basis of any discrimination weather it is male or female. For example: United Parcel needs to safe their female employees against any kind of harmful situations. Impact of race relation act: A person who has the work permit can apply for the job. If the advertisement is for any nationality. It will break a law the provision of race relation act. In case company breaking any law and legal implication they liable to facing negative impact of the government. Selection processes: selection process is the process in which employee choose best employees out of many candidates (Hodges, 2016). They only select those who has enough capable to meet the needs of organization. HR manager plays an important role in order to select the best candidate for their effective work process. All the member is selected from HR manager on the basis of their skills and qualification. According to the current environment there are requirementthree types of draft employees, drivers and administrative. For example: Selection process been always made on the basis of employees performance rather than any discrimination. 1.3 selection processShort listing: In this short-listing process company needs to adopt best required work and productive effective growth. It will more grateful and impressive learning task and organization tools and techniques (Kelly and Clark, 2014). The process of selection in terms of MCQ exam, written exam, IQ test etc. then shortlisted candidates has eligible for nest set of process. Then HRmanager experience and take part for the further development process. It also very much required to make good presence of human being and impressive task. This is the first process through company select their best candidates according to their required skills set. This is the
Working With and Leading People - PDF_4

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Working with and Leading People