
Integrating Health & Social Care Services


Added on  2020-06-06

15 Pages5127 Words74 Views
Communicating in Health & Social CareOrganisations A54069
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Q1. Explain communication skills in health and social care sector. ..........................................1Q2. Methods of dealing with in appropriate communication between individuals in health andsocial care....................................................................................................................................2D1................................................................................................................................................2D2 ...............................................................................................................................................2TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................3Q3. Strategies to support service users with specific communication skills. .............................3Q4. Various factors influence the communication process in HSC. ..........................................3M3...............................................................................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4Q5 Apply a range of relevant communication theories to explain communication in HSC. .....4Q6 How communication influenced by individual values and cultural factors. ........................5Q7 How legislations, charters and code of practice impact on communication process inhealth and social sector. .............................................................................................................5Q8 Analysing the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies in promoting goodpractise in communication..........................................................................................................6M2 ..............................................................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7Q9 Analysing legal consideration in the use of ICT can impact on health and social care........7Q10 Analysing the benefits of using ICT in HSC service users, care taker and organisation....8D3................................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONCommunication is the ability to express information to another. In this process, individualpass the information and data from one place to another. Communication in health care sector isvery much important to convey the issues and problems to the next person. This present report isbased on communication in health care sector. This will consider Health and Social Care (HSC)organisation which is a social and health care organisation. It provides social as well as healthcare services to needed persons. Further, this assignment covers the communication skills toenhance the social care and importance of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Italso covers the methods through which service user can adopt and try to overcome from hisproblems.In addition, it will discuss about the communication process in health care sector. Moreover, howcommunication theory effects the performance of service users and how it influenced byindividual values and cultural factors. Along with that legislations and different code of conductimpact on communication processes also it encourages those activities in health care sector. Atlast, it will discuss the benefits of implementing ICT in HSC for service users. TASK 1Q1. Explain communication skills in health and social care sector. Communication skills are thevery much essential to expresstheir own feelings. There aremany ways through whichindividual can convey his/herthoughts and points in front ofother person (Andreassen,Kjekshus and Tjora, 2015).The ways of communicationare verbal, non-verbal, writingand listening. Verbalcommunication means whenindividual using theircommunication skills throughIn non-verbal communication,service provider needs to usefacial expressions, handgestures, physical appearanceand body posture. Along withthat, service providers alsotake help of symbols, picturecards and writing pads. Thebest method of good listeningis letting the clients talk intheir own pace and give sometime to express themselves.Effective communication skillshelp in social and health careApart from that to promotesocial health services,communication can help in theform advertisements, print andother channels. The use ofmedia to promote health andsocial campaign is very mucheffective what is good andwhat is bad (Batterham andet.al, 2016). 1
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phones and when talking faceto face with the person. Inverbal communication, personneeds to consider tone ofvoice, pitch and talk on thesame level.It makes good impression infront of receiver. This type ofcommunication helps inlistening the client’s needs andwants.Non-verbalcommunication is used at thetime client is having anydifficulty of hearing, deaf andmute. sector to understand the actualissue of service users(Batterham and et.al, 2016). Italso assists in making andeffective professions. It helpsin enhancing the growth anddevelopment. Effectivecommunication is very muchrequired in health and socialsectors as well as every sector.It is the process to convey theinformation to other people.Communication can also bringnew trends and innovativeideas to enhance theperception so that it also helpsto promote campaign whichexplains the health careservices. 2
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