
Perceived Organizational Support as a Predictor of Proactive Behaviour


Added on  2019-12-03

12 Pages3785 Words159 ViewsType: 159
Leadership Management
Perceived Organizational Support as a Predictor of Proactive Behaviour_1

Table of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................4Q1 Comparison of organisational structures and culture. ...............................................................4Q2 Explanation as to how the relationship between structure and culture impact on performance..........................................................................................................................................................5Q3 Identification of factors which influence individual behaviour at work....................................5Q4 Explanation of how organizational theories underpins the practice of management in Coorperative group .........................................................................................................................6Q5 Comparison of the leadership styles of the two managers........................................................7Q6 Evaluate the various approaches to management utilized by the two different organisations...7Q7 Represent the effect of various leadership styles may have on motivation of managers and staff in enterprise during periods of change.....................................................................................8Q8. Compare the application of different motivational theories in corporation..............................8Q9. Asses the usefulness of motivation theories for managers in organisation..............................9CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................10References...........................................................................................................................................11
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Illustration IndexIllustration 1: Henry Fayol's Principles of Management. ....................................................................6
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INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behaviour is optimistic method to enhance the communication abilities ofstaff members to raise business transactions for getting more income in the nation. It contributeeffectively for employees to increase efficiency through usage of effective management methods inthe enterprise (Clegg and Dunkerley, 2013). Cooperative group is retail organisation which offerseffective retail products to its consumers in UK. The present introduces the relation betweenorganisation culture as well as structures in the organisation. It describes contribution ofmanagement theories in the corporation. It also shows comparison of leadership styles between twoenterprises in the nation. It represents usefulness of motivation theories in the Cooperative group . Q1 Comparison of organisational structures and culture. An organisational structure is a hierarchy of people and their functions working in anorganisations. On the other hand Organisational culture is a system of work culture followed in theorganisation. Organisational Structures The various type of structure are defined below-Functional based- The groups in this structure are divided as per the performance of specifictask (Coghlan and Brannick, 2014). For example, the manger of Cooperative groupseparates each department by the nature of the functions performed. Thus it facilitates infunctionality of different departments and task.Product based- On the other hand, this structure requires the manger of Next to manage thedepartments as per the products specification. For example all the home furnishingsproducts will be placed in the same department. Geographically based- Retailer who have global market presence uses this structure tocover the various geographical area in which it operates Cheung-Judge and Holbeche,2015). In comparison with the other two structures, each geographic regions report directlyto the authorized headquarters of Cooperative group in UK.The Functional organisational structure is adopted by Cooperative group as it aids the leaderto allocate the responsibilities to coordinate and supervise the employees of firm in effectivemanner. Organisational Culture Different type of culture are explained below-Task Culture- Teams are made to do the targets and task allotted to them as to work incooperation to complete job on the set time (Linstead, Maréchal and Griffin, 2014). Forexample to finish a target to sell 10 mobile by a team of five menders Cooperative group 'smanger will appoint the target to finish the task on appropriate time.
Perceived Organizational Support as a Predictor of Proactive Behaviour_4

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