
Assessing Personal Leadership and Management Skills


Added on  2019-12-03

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Personal Leadershipand Management1
Assessing Personal Leadership and Management Skills_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................31.1 Analyzing the impact of organizational values, culture and organization objectives onmanagement and leadership role .................................................................................................31.2 Evaluating the leadership and management skills required to support the firm objective ...4TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................51.3 Assessing my own personal leadership and management skill ...........................................52.1 Assessing opportunities for the development of my leadership and management skill .......62.2 Constructing personal development plan with clear aims and objectives.............................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................72.3 Managing the personal development of management and leadership skill ..........................7TASK 4 ...........................................................................................................................................83.1 Reviewing own personal development plan against original objective.................................83.2 Evaluating the effectiveness of personal leadership and management skill..........................93.3 Updating the personal development plan.............................................................................10CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................122
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INTRODUCTION Leadership and management are regarded as one most important element for anyorganization irrespective of industry. The given elements help firms in the process of achievinggoals and objectives of enterprises in an effective way (Importance of leadership andmanagement, 2015). Furthermore, with the help of these given functions, an effectual decisionwill be taken by the manager of corporation which leads to increased profits and sales. The given report will showcase the role which leadership and management skill plays inthe process of attaining objectives of corporation. Moreover, the report will also providedescription regarding approaches with the help of which individual can improve its ability ofmanaging and leading people. Finally, it will also carry out the review of personal andprofessional development plan of a person against original objectives. TASK 1 I would like to work at the management position in future as one of the famoushospitality firm of UK named as Hotel Hilton. In order to pursue my dream, I have carried outthorough analysis of selected firm. The detailed explanation regarding the same is depictedbelow: 1.1 Analyzing the impact of organizational values, culture and organization objectives on management and leadership role The organization value, culture as well as objective have impact upon leadership andmanagement role which is played by the managers of companies. The organizational culturehelps in shaping values and attitudes of the employees. In this regard, from the analysis it hasbeen identified that, hotel Hilton gives value to the given aspects such as teamwork and givingthe high and best quality services to their guest(Hilton, 2015). The given values of the cited firmare reflected upon its culture. The enterprise follows a culture in which gives importance to theneeds and demands of its workers. The manager of hotel Hilton considered that effective servicescan be delivered by it if it takes measure to maintain as well as enhance the satisfaction of itsworkers in an effective manner. This is because; with the help of workers only objectives ofcorporation will be met. In addition to this, Hilton possess open type of culture in which employees irrespective oftheir level are given full authority to present their innovative and creative ideas in front of themanagement of enterprise (Blackmore, 2010). The type of culture as well as value which is being3
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abided by cited hotel causes necessary impact upon leadership and management role of itsmanager. In order to provide support to the given culture of hotel, manager of Hilton has to usedemocratic type of leadership style. It is the style which gives importance to views and opinionsof workers. The individual who uses this style plays crucial role in maintaining satisfaction of theemployees in an effectual manner. However, conflicting situation will occur within the firm if manager of hotel usesautocratic leadership approach. In this approach, manager carries out strict control over theiremployees and this type of leader does not believe in taking suggestions from employees.Besides this, objective of the firm also impact on the leadership and management role of hotel(Burke and Collins, 2001). Another crucial objective of Hilton is to become first choice ofguests. The given aim can be fulfilled if it makes efforts with regard to maintain the satisfactionof its buyers. Satisfaction of customer can be maintained if manager uses all its managementfunctions like planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing in an appropriate manner.For instance, with the help of staffing function, hotel can recruit skilled and talented employeeswho have the ability to deliver best services to the buyers. Overall, it can be said that the value,culture as well as aim of corporation helps in molding the leadership and management role ofmanager (Emiliani and Emiliani, 2013). In addition to this, the goal of enterprise also playscrucial role in terms of setting the direction of firm in an effective manner. 1.2 Evaluating the leadership and management skills required to support the firm objective In order to provide immense support to the framed goals and objectives of corporation,managers require different type of leadership and management skills. In accordance with thegiven context, from the analysis it is assessed that, hotel Hilton has the goal to become globalleader in hospitality industry by giving utmost quality of services to the respective guests. For thepurpose to attain the given objective, planning is being considered as one of the most essentialskill that will be required in Hilton manager (Hardina and et.al., 2006.). With the help of thisskill, manager can prepare proper and systematic plan with respect to the given goal. Here, plancan be prepared regarding the ways with the help of which the quality of hotel services can beenhanced. However, it has been evaluated that the given skill will be proved as ineffective whenfirm will have to achieve goal within a very short period of time. This is because, in the givensituation it will become difficult for the manager with regard to perform the systematic planningas per the cited firm goal in an effective manner. 4
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